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The sixty-first chapter, the great rise of the Lord, is about the radiance of the serpent-banner. The expanse of the radiant cloud, the radiant body, is adorned with a radiant halo. ||10|| It is seen, a remover of sight, pleasant to see, bringing happiness. The form of merit, the one dwelling within it, is worshipped as a human form. ||101|| The ignorant, born of evil, filled with their own evil, do not see that radiance, the radiance of the Lord, like owls. ||102|| The radiance, like the sun's rays, filling all directions, spreads over the earth like the sun's rays. ||103|| Behind it, for the peace of the world, goes the Lord of the world, the Lord of great radiance, enlightening all beings. ||104|| The path of the Lord's journey, marked by its signs, reveals for a year that the Lord has journeyed here, and the path is adorned with a rain of jewels, like the elephant Airavata adorned with a group of stars. ||105|| Just as the path, etc., is seen in the earth connected with the journey, so also the path, etc., is seen in the sky. This is true, for the wonder of the Lord, born of the greatness of the three worlds, is itself wondrous. ||106|| The dull-witted became sharp-witted, all the violent creatures became powerless, and those who were near the Lord had no sorrow, sweat, pain, or anxiety. ||107|| In the land blessed by the Lord's journey, there were no earthquakes, etc., for two hundred yojanas. Or, for ten times the age, that is, fifty years, there was no disturbance, etc., in that land. The meaning is that in the land where the Lord journeys, there is no disturbance, famine, etc., for fifty years. This should be understood as the great glory of the Lord. ||108|| Thus, the Lord Neminatha, the master of the world, endowed with excellent glory, the giver of enlightenment, journeyed over the earth, enlightening the worthy beings, for the glory of the world. ||109||