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Chapter Fifty-Seven
These Lokastupas are like a Vetrasana (a type of seat) below, like a Jhallari (a type of ornament) in the middle, like a Mridanga (a type of drum) above, and at the end, they have a long tube like a Talavriksha (a type of tree). ||95|| Their form is like pure crystal, therefore, the inner structure is very clear. In these stupas, the structure of the Lokas is clearly visible, like in a mirror. ||96|| In front of these stupas, there are stupas known as Madhyaloka, whose inner structure is clearly visible. ||97|| Further ahead, there are stupas named Mandara, which are radiant like the Mandarachala (a mythical mountain), and on them, the images of the Lord are adorned in all four directions. ||98|| In front of them, there are stupas called Kalpavasa, which are filled with the creations of the Kalpavasis (celestial beings), and they show the glory of the Kalpavasa Devas to those who see them. ||99|| In front of them, there are stupas called Graiveyaka, which are shaped like Graiveyakas (a type of celestial being), and they seem to show the beauty of the Graiveyakas to humans. ||100|| In front of them, there are nine stupas called Navanudisha, which are adorned, and in them, beings see the nine directions directly. ||101|| Further ahead, there are stupas called Sarvarthasiddhi, which are adorned with Vimanas (flying vehicles) like Vijay and others in all four directions, and they fulfill all desires. ||102|| In front of them, there are Siddhastupas, which are radiant like crystal, and in them, the reflection of mirrors is visible, which reveals the form of the Siddhas. ||103|| In front of them, there are stupas called Bhavya Kuta, which have radiant peaks, and they are not seen by the Abhavya beings, because their eyes are blinded by their influence. ||104|| In front of them, there are stupas called Pramodha, and when people see them, they become extremely confused and forget even the things they have been accustomed to for a long time. ||105|| Further ahead, there are other stupas called Prabodha, and when people see them, they attain enlightenment, and by attaining the truth, they become virtuous and are definitely liberated from the cycle of birth and death. ||106|| In this way, there are ten very tall stupas, whose platforms are connected to each other and are adorned with toranas (gateways), and they are adorned in order, up to the circumference. ||107|| Further ahead, there is a circumference that is one Krosa (a measure of distance) wide and one Dhanu (a measure of length) high, and within it, humans and gods roam. ||108||