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## The Second Chapter
Those adorned with crowns, earrings, armlets, necklaces, and waistbands, resembling Kalpa trees, were the Kalpavasis. ||85|| Then, accompanied by their sons and daughters, and numerous Vidyadharas, humans of diverse languages, attire, and radiance sat there. ||86|| After them, serpents, mongooses, elephants, lions, horses, buffaloes, and others, all imbued with faith born from the influence of the Jina, sat there, peaceful and serene. ||87|| Thus, with twelve categories, they performed circumambulation, praise, and prostration around the Jina, who was present in the midst of them. ||88|| Having witnessed the essence of the universe and eradicated the three poisons of passion, aversion, and delusion, the Jina, Gautama, inquired about the path to liberation, the destroyer of sin. ||89|| The Jina, with a divine voice that shattered all doubts, a voice as deep as the sound of a drum, and reaching across leagues, ||90|| on the first day of the dark fortnight of Shraavana, under the Abhijit constellation, in the morning, began to preach the Dharma. ||91|| The valiant Lord spoke of the essence of the Acharanga, the Sutra-kritanga, the Stananga, the Samavayanga, the Vyākhyāprajñapti, the Jñātṛdharmakathā, the Śrāvakādhyayana, the Antakṛddaśa, the Anuttaropāpadaka Daśa, the Praśnavyākaraṇa, and the Vipaka-sutra, which is filled with purity. ||92-94|| Then, the omniscient Lord explained the twelfth Anga, the Drṣṭivāda, which contains the teachings of the three hundred and sixty-six sages and has five divisions. ||95|| The Lord of the world, the foremost among the knowers, first spoke of the Parikarma, the Sutra, the Pratyānuyoga, and the Pūrvagata. ||96|| Then, he spoke of the fourteen Pūrvas of the Pūrvagata: the Utpadapūrva, the Agrayāṇīyapūrva, the Vīryapravāda Pūrva, the Astināstīpravāda Pūrva, the Jñānapravāda Pūrva, the Satyapravāda Pūrva, the Ātma-pravāda Pūrva, the Karma-pravāda Pūrva, the Pratyākyāna Pūrva, the Vidyānuvāda Pūrva, the Kalyāṇa Pūrva, the Prāṇāvāya Pūrva, the Kriyāviśāla Pūrva, and the Lokabindu-sāra Pūrva. ||97-98|| Then, he spoke of the essence of the Chūlikā, the essence of the Sallokabindu-sāra, and the essence of the Viśāla, which is all-knowing. ||100||