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English translation preserving Jain terms:
In the Harivamsha Purana:
Seeing her husband, Vegavati, distressed by separation, wept. Embracing her, he considered her as the delight of his senses. \\40\\ Then, questioned by him, the beloved narrated everything to him - what had happened to the husband, the happiness and sorrow in their abode. \\41\\ Searching for the two lineages, as in the forest and cities, she had wandered for a long time in the entire Bharata region. \\42\\ Desiring to see the husband of Madanavega, she even wished for her own separation, unnoticed in that place. \\43\\ Taking the form of Trisikha's wife, Surpanakha, she narrated the abduction and threw him up in the sky, intending to kill him. \\44\\ "You have fallen from there, brought by me. Here you are established at the Panchanada Tirtha and the Himanta mountain." \\45\\ Thus informing him of the events, he sported there on the resonant slopes of the Himanta mountain, with the moon-faced one. \\46\\ Wandering there by chance, he saw a woman bound by the serpent's noose, like a fortunate wild woman bound by the serpent's noose. \\47\\ With a compassionate heart, he freed that rising-faced one from the noose, like a Muni frees beings from the noose of sin. \\48\\ Freed from bondage, she bowed to him, the unexpected kinsman, and said, "By your grace, O lord, my vidya is accomplished." \\49\\ "Listen, in the southern lineage, in the city of Gaganavallabha, I am the princess Balacandra, born in the lineage of Vidyudamstra. \\50\\ Practicing the great vidya in the river, I was bound by the enemy of the vidya-bearers, the Nagagashas. But you, O lord, have liberated me." \\51\\ "In our lineage, previously another daughter, Ketumati, was also liberated like me by the one with the half-lotus wheel." \\52\\