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## Chapter 358 of the Harivamsha Purana
Harivamsha Purana
I have described the Aryas (noble ones) in brief. Now, O Lord, listen to me as I describe the lineages of the Matanga Vidyadharas. ||14||
Those who are dark like a cluster of blue clouds, adorned with blue garments and blue garlands, are the Matanga Vidyadharas, residing near the Matanga pillar. ||15||
Those who are covered in ash, adorned with ornaments made of bones from the cremation ground, are the Shmashan-nilaya Vidyadharas, residing near the Shmashan pillar. ||16||
Those who wear garments the color of blue sapphires and emeralds, and reside near the Pandura pillar, are the Panduka Vidyadharas. ||17||
Those who wear black deerskin, adorned with garments and garlands made of black leather, and reside near the Kala pillar, are the Kala-shvapaki Vidyadharas. ||18||
Those who have golden hair, adorned with ornaments of heated gold, and reside near the Shvapaki pillar, are the Shvapaki Vidyadharas. ||19||
Those who are covered in garments the color of green leaves, adorned with various crowns and garlands, and reside near the Parvata pillar, are known as the Parvateya Vidyadharas. ||20||
Those who are adorned with ornaments made of bamboo leaves, and wear garlands of flowers from all seasons, residing near the Vamsa pillar, are considered the Vamsalaya Vidyadharas. ||21||
Those who are adorned with ornaments bearing the marks of great serpents, and reside near the great pillar called Vrikshamoola, are the Varbha-moolika Vidyadharas. ||22||
These lineages of Vidyadharas, who travel in their own specific attire and adorn themselves with their own distinctive marks, have been described in brief. ||23||
Thus, having learned about the Vidyadharas from the instructions of his wife, Vasudeva returned to his own place, and the other Vidyadharas also departed to their respective places. ||24||
One day, for some reason, Kumar Vasudeva said to Madanavega, "Come, O swift one!" Angered by this, she went inside the house. ||25||
Then, Surpanakha, the widow of Vishkhira, disguised as Madanavega, using her magical powers, set fire to the palaces with her fiery form. ||26||