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## Harivamsha Purana:
**Chapter 25:**
The son named Charam, after handing over the kingdom to his son, left for the forest to perform penance.
**Chapter 26:**
Pauloma and Charam, both rulers of vast and undivided kingdoms, were constantly striving to conquer the Sun and the Moon, who were also rulers of vast and undivided realms.
**Chapter 27:**
Together, they established the city of Indrapura on the banks of the river Reva. Charam, on his own, built two more cities: Jayanti and Vanavasy.
**Chapter 28:**
Pauloma had a son named Maheendatta, a wise statesman, and Charam had a son named Sanjay, also a wise statesman. In the end, both Pauloma and Charam renounced the world and took to penance.
**Chapter 29:**
Maheendatta established the city of Kalpura and had two sons: Aristanemi and Matsya.
**Chapter 30:**
Matsya, a valiant warrior, conquered the cities of Bhadrapura and Hastinapura with his four-fold army and resided in Hastinapura with great joy.
**Chapter 31:**
He had a hundred sons, all as powerful as Indra, starting with Ayodhana as the eldest. Matsya, after crowning Ayodhana as the king, renounced the world and became a recluse.
**Chapter 32:**
Ayodhana had a son named Mula, Mula had a son named Shal, and Shal had a son named Surya. Surya established the city of Shubhra.
**Chapter 33:**
Surya had a son named Amar, who built the city of Vajra. Amar had a son named Devadatta, who was as powerful as Indra.
**Chapter 34-35:**
Devadatta had a son named Harishena, Harishena had a son named Nabhasena, Nabhasena had a son named Shankha, Shankha had a son named Bhadra, and Bhadra had a son named Abhichandra, who was known for his brilliance and for defeating his enemies.
**Chapter 36:**
Abhichandra established the Chedi kingdom on the Vindhya mountain and built the city of Shuktimati on the banks of the Shuktimati river.
**Chapter 37:**
Abhichandra had a son named Vasu, born to his queen Vasumati, who was born in the Ugravansha lineage. Vasu was as compassionate as the moonstone.
**Chapter 38:**
In the same city, there lived a learned Brahmin named Kshirakadamba, who was well-versed in the Vedas. His wife was named Swastimati, and they had a son named Parvata.
**Chapter 39:**
The wise teacher Kshirakadamba taught his three disciples, Vasu, Parvata, and Narada, all the scriptures along with their hidden meanings.
**Chapter 40:**
Once, Kshirakadamba was teaching his three sons the Aranyaka Veda in the forest. While he was teaching, he heard the voice of a sage who was flying in the sky.