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English Translation (preserving Jain terms):
The king Shrenika Gautama Ganadhara prays to the Tirthankaras, Chakravartis, Baladevs, Narayanas, and Pratinarayanas for the description of their lineages, origins, and the division of the Lokaloka.
Fourth Canto
The nature and dimensions of the Alokakasha and Lokakasha, the expanse of the Adholoka and Urdhvaloka, the description and expansion of the Vatavalaya, the description of the seven Prithivis of the Adholoka, the description of the rocky and muddy parts of the Ratnaprabha Prithivi.
Harivamsha Purana
The description of the Narakis born up to the Naraka, their continuous birth in the initial Prithivis, the description of what the Naraki is and is not, and the conclusion of the description of the Adholoka.
The description of the holes of the Narakis in the Abbahula section, the description of the layers of the seven Prithivis, the description of the gradual holes in the Dharmā Prithivi, the description of the holes in the Dvitiyadi Prithivis, the description of the great Narakas of the Prathamadi Prithivis, and the expansion of the holes. The expansion of the Indrakabila of the Prathamadi Prithivis. 54-57 The thickness of the Indrakabila of the Dharmā and other Prithivis. The mutual difference of the holes of the Prathamadi Prithivis.
The description of the height of the Narakis in the Prathamadi Prithivis.
The subject of Avadhi-jnana in the Prathamadi Prithivis, the foul smell of the soil, the description of the Leshyas, the obstruction of heat and cold, the description of the Upapada-sthanas. The bouncing of the Narakis after falling from the Upapada-sthanas of the Prathamadi Prithivis, the obstruction by the Asurakumaras, the mutual suffering of the Narakis, the characteristics of the Narakis, the description of the Veda and Samsthana, the special qualities of the Narakis who will become future Tirthankaras, the differences in the birth of the Narakis in the Prathamadi Prithivis.
Fifth Canto
The explanation of the Tiryagloka, the expansion of the Merukhsetra, Kulachala, etc. of Jambūdvīpa, the description of the Vijayarddha of the Bharatakshētra, Himavatkūlācala, Hemavata-kshetra, Mahāhimavatkūlācala, Harivarsha-kshetra, Nīlakūlācala, Rukmī mountain, the description of Shikharikūlācala, the description of the Vijayarddha of the Airavata-kshetra, the description of the forest tracts and gardens located in the final parts, the lakes of the Kūlācalas, their depth, the lotuses, the goddesses living in the lotuses, and the description of the rivers flowing out of the lakes. The description of the outlets and flows of the Ganga, Sindhu, and Rohitasya rivers flowing out of the Padmasarovara. The similarity of the Sindhu river with the Ganga river, the description of the outlets and flows of other rivers, and the description of the Nābhigiri mountains located in the Haimavata and other regions.
The description of the regions of Dhātakīkhaṇḍa dvīpa similar to Jambūdvīpa, the description of the Devakarūra and Uttarakarūra within the Videha-kshetra under the Videha-kshetra.
The description of the Jambūvṛkṣa and Śālmalī trees, and the description of the Kūṭas, Hṛdas, and the deities residing in them, located near the Nīla and other Kūlācalas and the Sītā and other rivers.
The description of the Vakṣārāgiri mountain, Bhadraśāla forest, and its Vedikā in the Videha-kshetra.
The description of the Vibhaṅgā rivers.
The description of the thirty-two divisions of the Videha-kshetra within Jambūdvīpa, their capital cities, etc.
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