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## The Tenth Chapter
While preaching Dharma in the presence of the beings of the three worlds, the Lord broke his silence, which had been steadfast for a thousand years. ||1||
The Lord of the Tirthankaras himself shows the way to cross the ocean of Samsara. Therefore, all beings in the world see the profound meaning with clarity. ||2||
When the sun of the Jina, radiant with the brilliance of speech and other excellences, illuminates the objects, who can then embrace the darkness of falsehood? ||3||
The Jina then spoke, saying that Dharma, the source of all happiness, should be practiced by all beings with utmost effort, especially in acts of compassion for all living beings. ||4||
The happiness that is found in the four classes of Devas and in humans, which arises from the objects of the senses, is all born from Dharma. ||5||
And the happiness of liberation, which arises from the destruction of karma, is infinite and self-dependent, and it too is born from Dharma. ||6||
Non-violence, truthfulness, non-stealing, celibacy, and non-attachment - these are the Dharma of the monks when practiced subtly, and the Dharma of the householders when practiced grossly. ||7||
Charity, worship, austerity, and good conduct - these are the four types of physical Dharma for the householders, which are to be performed with the body. This fourfold Dharma of the householders arises from renunciation. ||8||
This Dharma of the householders, whose root is Right Faith, bestows the wealth of great Devas, and the Dharma of the monks, when fully practiced, grants the happiness of liberation. ||9||
Those who are desirous of their own welfare, who can only see what is immediate, should know the characteristics of the proper Dharma, which is the root of heaven and liberation, through the knowledge of the scriptures. ||10||
The twelve-limbed knowledge of the scriptures, which is based on the distinction between substance and state, is revealed by the Perfect Ones. The Perfect One is considered to be free from all faults. ||11||