Disclaimer: This translation does not guarantee complete accuracy, please confirm with the original page text.
## The Eighth Canto
**14.** Her hips, with their charming, deep-set buttocks, and her broad, strong shoulders, were beyond comparison.
**15.** Her navel, deep and circular like a whirlpool, was adorned with a crown of hair, a source of joy for the king, the lord of the navel.
**16.** Her waist, hairless, slender, and marked by the three folds, seemed to bend under the weight of her round, even, and full breasts.
**17.** Her chest, adorned with the circle of firm breasts, was soft and tender, like a river graced by a pair of playful swans.
**18.** Her hands, with their red palms, were adorned with exquisite bracelets on her wrists and elbows. Her soft arms, like the bonds of love, were a sight to behold.
**19.** Her neck, like the whorls of a conch shell, her lips like coral buds, and her teeth shining like pearls, made her resemble a beautiful sea wave.
**20.** Her tongue, with its red tip, and the interior of her mouth, were radiant. When she spoke, her voice surpassed even the sweet song of the cuckoo.
**21.** Her face, like that of her beloved, was a mirror to the king's desire. Her cheeks, like two mirrors, reflected his gaze.
**22.** Her nose, situated in the middle of her face, was even and symmetrical, as if it were preventing the eyes from seeing each other.
**23.** Her eyes, like three-colored lotuses, were large and long, as if they were seeking counsel from the whispers of the ears.
**24.** Her eyebrows, thin and delicate, were neither too far apart nor too close together. They were auspicious and resembled a drawn bow.
**25.** Her forehead, neither too low nor too high, was beyond the reach of the crescent moon in terms of beauty.
**26.** Her ears, adorned with shining earrings, were plump, soft, and symmetrical. There was no comparison to their beauty.
**13.** The two thighs of the Marudevi were not comparable to the elephant's trunk, which is devoid of essence and hard to the touch, even though they were endowed with qualities of extension.
* **Kukuṇḍara:** A term used to describe a woman with a deep-set buttocks.
* **Trivali:** The three folds on the waist.
* **Naabhiraja:** The king, the lord of the navel.
* **Marudevi:** The goddess of the wind.
* **Aśabda:** To make something speechless, to render it insignificant.
* **Puta:** A small, round protuberance.
* **Mantra:** A sacred utterance, a spell.
* **Samāropa:** To place, to adorn.
* **Sādṛśya:** Similarity, resemblance.
* **Sisukshya:** Desire to obtain, to seek.
* **Ardhacandra:** The crescent moon.
* **Kunda:** An earring.
* **Masala:** Plump, fleshy.
* **Sama:** Even, symmetrical.
* **Shunda:** The trunk of an elephant.
* **Danda:** A stick, a rod.
* **Kathiṇa:** Hard, firm.
* **Sparśa:** Touch.
* **Vistararūpī:** Extended, expansive.
* **Guna:** Quality, attribute.
* **Garthaviśeṣa:** A particular kind of depression, a hollow.
* **Manohar:** Beautiful, charming.
* **Jghana:** Shoulder.
* **Āvarta:** A whirlpool, a vortex.
* **Jalabhāṁvara:** A whirlpool of water.
* **Rōmarāja:** The king of hair.
* **Aromasha:** Hairless.
* **Kriśa:** Slender, thin.
* **Trivali:** The three folds on the waist.
* **Bhaṁgara:** A break, a fold.
* **Vṛtta:** Round, circular.
* **Samōttunnga:** Evenly high.
* **Dhanastana:** Breast.
* **Marādiva:** As if burdened.
* **Kathiṇa:** Firm, hard.
* **Cakra:** A circle, a wheel.
* **Mṛdu:** Soft, tender.
* **Miyoṛasa:** Tenderness, softness.
* **Prakrīḍa:** Playful.
* **Cakravāka:** A swan.
* **Sarita:** A river.
* **Virādhita:** Adorned, graced.
* **Rakta:** Red.
* **Hasta:** Hand.
* **Tala:** Palm.
* **Śreṣṭha:** Excellent, best.
* **Prakoṣṭha:** Elbow.
* **Maṇibandha:** Bracelet.
* **Svaṁsa:** Own, belonging to oneself.
* **Mṛdu:** Soft, tender.
* **Bhuja:** Arm.
* **Kāmapāśa:** The bonds of love.
* **Śaṁkha:** A conch shell.
* **Āvarta:** A whorl, a spiral.
* **Samāgrīva:** Neck.
* **Pravāla:** Coral.
* **Adhara:** Lip.
* **Pallava:** A bud, a sprout.
* **Danta:** Tooth.
* **Mukta:** Pearl.
* **Phala:** Fruit.
* **Udyōta:** Shine, brilliance.
* **Sindhōvala:** A sea wave.
* **Sanrakta:** Red.
* **Tāla:** Palate.
* **Jihvā:** Tongue.
* **Agra:** Tip.
* **Antara:** Interior.
* **Āsya:** Mouth.
* **Rājat:** Shine, gleam.
* **Vācī:** Speech.
* **Pravṛttāyāṁ:** When it is uttered.
* **Kokila:** A cuckoo.
* **Svananīsvana:** The sound of the cuckoo.
* **Priya:** Beloved.
* **Mukha:** Face.
* **Ātmīya:** Own, belonging to oneself.
* **Didṛkṣōḥ:** Of one who desires to see.
* **Preyasa:** Beloved.
* **Sammukhau:** Facing each other.
* **Bhavatō:** Of you, of the king.
* **Kapōla:** Cheek.
* **Darpaṇa:** Mirror.
* **Sannāsīkā:** Nose.
* **Atimadhyasthā:** Situated in the middle.
* **Sama:** Even, symmetrical.
* **Pūṭā:** A small, round protuberance.
* **Abhyabhāt:** Appeared, shone.
* **Sparḍhinī:** Competitor, rival.
* **Vārayanta:** Preventing, hindering.
* **Anyōnyadarśana:** Mutual seeing.
* **Trivarṇa:** Three-colored.
* **Abja:** Lotus.
* **Nibha:** Like, resembling.
* **Darśana:** Sight, vision.
* **Dīrghadarśana:** Long-sighted.
* **Mantra:** A sacred utterance, a spell.
* **Mantraṇā:** Counsel, advice.
* **Karṇa:** Ear.
* **Mūla:** Root, base.
* **Upāśrita:** Approached, sought refuge in.
* **Tanu:** Thin, delicate.
* **Rekha:** Line, stroke.
* **Bhruvau:** Eyebrow.
* **Dūre:** Far.
* **Sanhate:** Close together.
* **Samāropa:** To place, to adorn.
* **Cāpa:** A bow.
* **Śubhāvahe:** Auspicious, bringing good fortune.
* **Nata:** Low, bent.
* **Tunga:** High, elevated.
* **Sādṛśya:** Similarity, resemblance.
* **Sisukshya:** Desire to obtain, to seek.
* **Lalāṭapatta:** Forehead.
* **Ardhacandra:** The crescent moon.
* **Sthiti:** Position, state.
* **Kuṇḍala:** Earring.
* **Ujjvala:** Bright, shining.
* **Gaṇḍa:** Cheek.
* **Karṇayugala:** Pair of ears.
* **Upamā:** Comparison.
* **Māsala:** Plump, fleshy.
* **Komala:** Soft, tender.
* **Sama:** Even, symmetrical.
* **Sāra:** Essence, substance.
* **Rahita:** Devoid of.
* **Haṁthī:** Elephant.
* **Shunda:** Trunk.
* **Daṇḍa:** A stick, a rod.
* **Kathiṇa:** Hard, firm.
* **Sparśa:** Touch.
* **Vistararūpī:** Extended, expansive.
* **Guna:** Quality, attribute.
* **Marudevi:** The goddess of the wind.
* **Jāṁgha:** Thigh.
* **Sādṛśya:** Similarity, resemblance.
* **Anupam:** Incomparable.
* **Āvarta:** A whirlpool, a vortex.
* **Jalabhāṁvara:** A whirlpool of water.
* **Gola:** Round, circular.
* **Gambhīra:** Deep.
* **Rōmarāja:** The king of hair.
* **Yukt:** Adorned, endowed with.
* **Nābhi:** Navel.
* **Rāja:** King.
* **Nābhiraja:** The king, the lord of the navel.
* **Harsa:** Joy, delight.
* **Kāraṇa:** Cause, reason.
* **Rōma:** Hair.
* **Rahita:** Devoid of.
* **Kriśa:** Slender, thin.
* **Trivali:** The three folds on the waist.
* **Bhaṁgara:** A break, a fold.
* **Kamar:** Waist.
* **Jān:** To seem, to appear.
* **Mānō:** As if.
* **Gola:** Round, circular.
* **Sama:** Even, symmetrical.
* **Uttunnga:** High, elevated.
* **Sthūla:** Full, large.
* **Stan:** Breast.
* **Bhāra:** Weight.
* **Jhuka:** To bend, to lean.
* **Manda:** Gentle, soft.
* **Bhaya:** Fear.
* **Kroḍa:** To coo, to croon.
* **Cakava:** A swan.
* **Cakavī:** A female swan.
* **Yugal:** Pair.
* **Sarita:** A river.
* **Suśōbhita:** Adorned, graced.
* **Vakṣasthal:** Chest.
* **Kathiṇa:** Firm, hard.
* **Stan:** Breast.
* **Maṇḍala:** Circle.
* **Mṛdu:** Soft, tender.
* **Miyoṛasa:** Tenderness, softness.
* **Rakta:** Red.
* **Hasta:** Hand.
* **Tala:** Palm.
* **Śreṣṭha:** Excellent, best.
* **Prakoṣṭha:** Elbow.
* **Maṇibandha:** Bracelet.
* **Svaṁsa:** Own, belonging to oneself.
* **Mṛdu:** Soft, tender.
* **Bhuja:** Arm.
* **Kāmapāśa:** The bonds of love.
* **Jān:** To seem, to appear.
* **Śaṁkha:** A conch shell.
* **Āvarta:** A whorl, a spiral.
* **Samāgrīva:** Neck.
* **Pravāla:** Coral.
* **Adhara:** Lip.
* **Pallava:** A bud, a sprout.
* **Mūga:** A coral.
* **Danta:** Tooth.
* **Mukta:** Pearl.
* **Phala:** Fruit.
* **Udyōta:** Shine, brilliance.
* **Sindhōvala:** A sea wave.
* **Suśōbhita:** Adorned, graced.
* **Sanrakta:** Red.
* **Tāla:** Palate.
* **Jihvā:** Tongue.
* **Agra:** Tip.
* **Antara:** Interior.
* **Āsya:** Mouth.
* **Rājat:** Shine, gleam.
* **Vācī:** Speech.
* **Pravṛttāyāṁ:** When it is uttered.
* **Kokila:** A cuckoo.
* **Svananīsvana:** The sound of the cuckoo.
* **Aśabda:** To make something speechless, to render it insignificant.
* **Priya:** Beloved.
* **Mukha:** Face.
* **Ātmīya:** Own, belonging to oneself.
* **Didṛkṣōḥ:** Of one who desires to see.
* **Preyasa:** Beloved.
* **Sammukhau:** Facing each other.
* **Bhavatō:** Of you, of the king.
* **Kapōla:** Cheek.
* **Darpaṇa:** Mirror.
* **Sannāsīkā:** Nose.
* **Atimadhyasthā:** Situated in the middle.
* **Sama:** Even, symmetrical.
* **Pūṭā:** A small, round protuberance.
* **Abhyabhāt:** Appeared, shone.
* **Sparḍhinī:** Competitor, rival.
* **Vārayanta:** Preventing, hindering.
* **Anyōnyadarśana:** Mutual seeing.
* **Trivarṇa:** Three-colored.
* **Abja:** Lotus.
* **Nibha:** Like, resembling.
* **Darśana:** Sight, vision.
* **Dīrghadarśana:** Long-sighted.
* **Mantra:** A sacred utterance, a spell.
* **Mantraṇā:** Counsel, advice.
* **Karṇa:** Ear.
* **Mūla:** Root, base.
* **Upāśrita:** Approached, sought refuge in.
* **Tanu:** Thin, delicate.
* **Rekha:** Line, stroke.
* **Bhruvau:** Eyebrow.
* **Dūre:** Far.
* **Sanhate:** Close together.
* **Samāropa:** To place, to adorn.
* **Cāpa:** A bow.
* **Śubhāvahe:** Auspicious, bringing good fortune.
* **Nata:** Low, bent.
* **Tunga:** High, elevated.
* **Sādṛśya:** Similarity, resemblance.
* **Sisukshya:** Desire to obtain, to seek.
* **Lalāṭapatta:** Forehead.
* **Ardhacandra:** The crescent moon.
* **Sthiti:** Position, state.
* **Kuṇḍala:** Earring.
* **Ujjvala:** Bright, shining.
* **Gaṇḍa:** Cheek.
* **Karṇayugala:** Pair of ears.
* **Upamā:** Comparison.
* **Māsala:** Plump, fleshy.
* **Komala:** Soft, tender.
* **Sama:** Even, symmetrical.
* **Sāra:** Essence, substance.
* **Rahita:** Devoid of.
* **Haṁthī:** Elephant.
* **Shunda:** Trunk.
* **Daṇḍa:** A stick, a rod.
* **Kathiṇa:** Hard, firm.
* **Sparśa:** Touch.
* **Vistararūpī:** Extended, expansive.
* **Guna:** Quality, attribute.
* **Marudevi:** The goddess of the wind.
* **Jāṁgha:** Thigh.
* **Sādṛśya:** Similarity, resemblance.
* **Anupam:** Incomparable.
* **Āvarta:** A whirlpool, a vortex.
* **Jalabhāṁvara:** A whirlpool of water.
* **Gola:** Round, circular.
* **Gambhīra:** Deep.
* **Rōmarāja:** The king of hair.
* **Yukt:** Adorned, endowed with.
* **Nābhi:** Navel.
* **Rāja:** King.
* **Nābhiraja:** The king, the lord of the navel.
* **Harsa:** Joy, delight.
* **Kāraṇa:** Cause, reason.
* **Rōma:** Hair.
* **Rahita:** Devoid of.
* **Kriśa:** Slender, thin.
* **Trivali:** The three folds on the waist.
* **Bhaṁgara:** A break, a fold.
* **Kamar:** Waist.
* **Jān:** To seem, to appear.
* **Mānō:** As if.
* **Gola:** Round, circular.
* **Sama:** Even, symmetrical.
* **Uttunnga:** High, elevated.
* **Sthūla:** Full, large.
* **Stan:** Breast.
* **Bhāra:** Weight.
* **Jhuka:** To bend, to lean.
* **Manda:** Gentle, soft.
* **Bhaya:** Fear.
* **Kroḍa:** To coo, to croon.
* **Cakava:** A swan.
* **Cakavī:** A female swan.
* **Yugal:** Pair.
* **Sarita:** A river.
* **Suśōbhita:** Adorned, graced.
* **Vakṣasthal:** Chest.
* **Kathiṇa:** Firm, hard.
* **Stan:** Breast.
* **Maṇḍala:** Circle.
* **Mṛdu:** Soft, tender.
* **Miyoṛasa:** Tenderness, softness.
* **Rakta:** Red.
* **Hasta:** Hand.
* **Tala:** Palm.
* **Śreṣṭha:** Excellent, best.
* **Prakoṣṭha:** Elbow.
* **Maṇibandha:** Bracelet.
* **Svaṁsa:** Own, belonging to oneself.
* **Mṛdu:** Soft, tender.
* **Bhuja:** Arm.
* **Kāmapāśa:** The bonds of love.
* **Jān:** To seem, to appear.
* **Śaṁkha:** A conch shell.
* **Āvarta:** A whorl, a spiral.
* **Samāgrīva:** Neck.
* **Pravāla:** Coral.
* **Adhara:** Lip.
* **Pallava:** A bud, a sprout.
* **Mūga:** A coral.
* **Danta:** Tooth.
* **Mukta:** Pearl.
* **Phala:** Fruit.
* **Udyōta:** Shine, brilliance.
* **Sindhōvala:** A sea wave.
* **Suśōbhita:** Adorned, graced.
* **Sanrakta:** Red.
* **Tāla:** Palate.
* **Jihvā:** Tongue.
* **Agra:** Tip.
* **Antara:** Interior.
* **Āsya:** Mouth.
* **Rājat:** Shine, gleam.
* **Vācī:** Speech.
* **Pravṛttāyāṁ:** When it is uttered.
* **Kokila:** A cuckoo.
* **Svananīsvana:** The sound of the cuckoo.
* **Aśabda:** To make something speechless, to render it insignificant.
* **Priya:** Beloved.
* **Mukha:** Face.
* **Ātmīya:** Own, belonging to oneself.
* **Didṛkṣōḥ:** Of one who desires to see.
* **Preyasa:** Beloved.
* **Sammukhau:** Facing each other.
* **Bhavatō:** Of you, of the king.
* **Kapōla:** Cheek.
* **Darpaṇa:** Mirror.
* **Sannāsīkā:** Nose.
* **Atimadhyasthā:** Situated in the middle.
* **Sama:** Even, symmetrical.
* **Pūṭā:** A small, round protuberance.
* **Abhyabhāt:** Appeared, shone.
* **Sparḍhinī:** Competitor, rival.
* **Vārayanta:** Preventing, hindering.
* **Anyōnyadarśana:** Mutual seeing.
* **Trivarṇa:** Three-colored.
* **Abja:** Lotus.
* **Nibha:** Like, resembling.
* **Darśana:** Sight, vision.
* **Dīrghadarśana:** Long-sighted.
* **Mantra:** A sacred utterance, a spell.
* **Mantraṇā:** Counsel, advice.
* **Karṇa:** Ear.
* **Mūla:** Root, base.
* **Upāśrita:** Approached, sought refuge in.
* **Tanu:** Thin, delicate.
* **Rekha:** Line, stroke.
* **Bhruvau:** Eyebrow.
* **Dūre:** Far.
* **Sanhate:** Close together.
* **Samāropa:** To place, to adorn.
* **Cāpa:** A bow.
* **Śubhāvahe:** Auspicious, bringing good fortune.
* **Nata:** Low, bent.
* **Tunga:** High, elevated.
* **Sādṛśya:** Similarity, resemblance.
* **Sisukshya:** Desire to obtain, to seek.
* **Lalāṭapatta:** Forehead.
* **Ardhacandra:** The crescent moon.
* **Sthiti:** Position, state.
* **Kuṇḍala:** Earring.
* **Ujjvala:** Bright, shining.
* **Gaṇḍa:** Cheek.
* **Karṇayugala:** Pair of ears.
* **Upamā:** Comparison.
* **Māsala:** Plump, fleshy.
* **Komala:** Soft, tender.
* **Sama:** Even, symmetrical.
* **Sāra:** Essence, substance.
* **Rahita:** Devoid of.
* **Haṁthī:** Elephant.
* **Shunda:** Trunk.
* **Daṇḍa:** A stick, a rod.
* **Kathiṇa:** Hard, firm.
* **Sparśa:** Touch.
* **Vistararūpī:** Extended, expansive.
* **Guna:** Quality, attribute.
* **Marudevi:** The goddess of the wind.
* **Jāṁgha:** Thigh.
* **Sādṛśya:** Similarity, resemblance.
* **Anupam:** Incomparable.
* **Āvarta:** A whirlpool, a vortex.
* **Jalabhāṁvara:** A whirlpool of water.
* **Gola:** Round, circular.
* **Gambhīra:** Deep.
* **Rōmarāja:** The king of hair.
* **Yukt:** Adorned, endowed with.
* **Nābhi:** Navel.
* **Rāja:** King.
* **Nābhiraja:** The king, the lord of the navel.
* **Harsa:** Joy, delight.
* **Kāraṇa:** Cause, reason.
* **Rōma:** Hair.
* **Rahita:** Devoid of.
* **Kriśa:** Slender, thin.
* **Trivali:** The three folds on the waist.
* **Bhaṁgara:** A break, a fold.
* **Kamar:** Waist.
* **Jān:** To seem, to appear.
* **Mānō:** As if.
* **Gola:** Round, circular.
* **Sama:** Even, symmetrical.
* **Uttunnga:** High, elevated.
* **Sthūla:** Full, large.
* **Stan:** Breast.
* **Bhāra:** Weight.
* **Jhuka:** To bend, to lean.
* **Manda:** Gentle, soft.
* **Bhaya:** Fear.
* **Kroḍa:** To coo, to croon.
* **Cakava:** A swan.
* **Cakavī:** A female swan.
* **Yugal:** Pair.
* **Sarita:** A river.
* **Suśōbhita:** Adorned, graced.
* **Vakṣasthal:** Chest.
* **Kathiṇa:** Firm, hard.
* **Stan:** Breast.
* **Maṇḍala:** Circle.
* **Mṛdu:** Soft, tender.
* **Miyoṛasa:** Tenderness, softness.
* **Rakta:** Red.
* **Hasta:** Hand.
* **Tala:** Palm.
* **Śreṣṭha:** Excellent, best.
* **Prakoṣṭha:** Elbow.
* **Maṇibandha:** Bracelet.
* **Svaṁsa:** Own, belonging to oneself.
* **Mṛdu:** Soft, tender.
* **Bhuja:** Arm.
* **Kāmapāśa:** The bonds of love.
* **Jān:** To seem, to appear.
* **Śaṁkha:** A conch shell.
* **Āvarta:** A whorl, a spiral.
* **Samāgrīva:** Neck.
* **Pravāla:** Coral.
* **Adhara:** Lip.
* **Pallava:** A bud, a sprout.
* **Mūga:** A coral.
* **Danta:** Tooth.
* **Mukta:** Pearl.
* **Phala:** Fruit.
* **Udyōta:** Shine, brilliance.
* **Sindhōvala:** A sea wave.
* **Suśōbhita:** Adorned, graced.
* **Sanrakta:** Red.
* **Tāla:** Palate.
* **Jihvā:** Tongue.
* **Agra:** Tip.
* **Antara:** Interior.
* **Āsya:** Mouth.
* **Rājat:** Shine, gleam.
* **Vācī:** Speech.
* **Pravṛttāyāṁ:** When it is uttered.
* **Kokila:** A cuckoo.
* **Svananīsvana:** The sound of the cuckoo.
* **Aśabda:** To make something speechless, to render it insignificant.
* **Priya:** Beloved.
* **Mukha:** Face.
* **Ātmīya:** Own, belonging to oneself.
* **Didṛkṣōḥ:** Of one who desires to see.
* **Preyasa:** Beloved.
* **Sammukhau:** Facing each other.
* **Bhavatō:** Of you, of the king.
* **Kapōla:** Cheek.
* **Darpaṇa:** Mirror.
* **Sannāsīkā:** Nose.
* **Atimadhyasthā:** Situated in the middle.
* **Sama:** Even, symmetrical.
* **Pūṭā:** A small, round protuberance.
* **Abhyabhāt:** Appeared, shone.
* **Sparḍhinī:** Competitor, rival.
* **Vārayanta:** Preventing, hindering.
* **Anyōnyadarśana:** Mutual seeing.
* **Trivarṇa:** Three-colored.
* **Abja:** Lotus.
* **Nibha:** Like, resembling.
* **Darśana:** Sight, vision.
* **Dīrghadarśana:** Long-sighted.
* **Mantra:** A sacred utterance, a spell.
* **Mantraṇā:** Counsel, advice.
* **Karṇa:** Ear.
* **Mūla:** Root, base.
* **Upāśrita:** Approached, sought refuge in.
* **Tanu:** Thin, delicate.
* **Rekha:** Line, stroke.
* **Bhruvau:** Eyebrow.
* **Dūre:** Far.
* **Sanhate:** Close together.
* **Samāropa:** To place, to adorn.
* **Cāpa:** A bow.
* **Śubhāvahe:** Auspicious, bringing good fortune.
* **Nata:** Low, bent.
* **Tunga:** High, elevated.
* **Sādṛśya:** Similarity, resemblance.
* **Sisukshya:** Desire to obtain, to seek.
* **Lalāṭapatta:** Forehead.
* **Ardhacandra:** The crescent moon.
* **Sthiti:** Position, state.
* **Kuṇḍala:** Earring.
* **Ujjvala:** Bright, shining.
* **Gaṇḍa:** Cheek.
* **Karṇayugala:** Pair of ears.
* **Upamā:** Comparison.
* **Māsala:** Plump, fleshy.
* **Komala:** Soft, tender.
* **Sama:** Even, symmetrical.
* **Sāra:** Essence, substance.
* **Rahita:** Devoid of.
* **Haṁthī:** Elephant.
* **Shunda:** Trunk.
* **Daṇḍa:** A stick, a rod.
* **Kathiṇa:** Hard, firm.
* **Sparśa:** Touch.
* **Vistararūpī:** Extended, expansive.
* **Guna:** Quality, attribute.
* **Marudevi:** The goddess of the wind.
* **Jāṁgha:** Thigh.
* **Sādṛśya:** Similarity, resemblance.
* **Anupam:** Incomparable.
* **Āvarta:** A whirlpool, a vortex.
* **Jalabhāṁvara:** A whirlpool of water.
* **Gola:** Round, circular.
* **Gambhīra:** Deep.
* **Rōmarāja:** The king of hair.
* **Yukt:** Adorned, endowed with.
* **Nābhi:** Navel.
* **Rāja:** King.
* **Nābhiraja:** The king, the lord of the navel.
* **Harsa:** Joy, delight.
* **Kāraṇa:** Cause, reason.
* **Rōma:** Hair.
* **Rahita:** Devoid of.
* **Kriśa:** Slender, thin.
* **Trivali:** The three folds on the waist.
* **Bhaṁgara:** A break, a fold.
* **Kamar:** Waist.
* **Jān:** To seem, to appear.
* **Mānō:** As if.
* **Gola:** Round, circular.
* **Sama:** Even, symmetrical.
* **Uttunnga:** High, elevated.
* **Sthūla:** Full, large.
* **Stan:** Breast.
* **Bhāra:** Weight.
* **Jhuka:** To bend, to lean.
* **Manda:** Gentle, soft.
* **Bhaya:** Fear.
* **Kroḍa:** To coo, to croon.
* **Cakava:** A swan.
* **Cakavī:** A female swan.
* **Yugal:** Pair.
* **Sarita:** A river.
* **Suśōbhita:** Adorned, graced.
* **Vakṣasthal:** Chest.
* **Kathiṇa:** Firm, hard.
* **Stan:** Breast.
* **Maṇḍala:** Circle.
* **Mṛdu:** Soft, tender.
* **Miyoṛasa:** Tenderness, softness.
* **Rakta:** Red.
* **Hasta:** Hand.
* **Tala:** Palm.
* **Śreṣṭha:** Excellent, best.
* **Prakoṣṭha:** Elbow.
* **Maṇibandha:** Bracelet.
* **Svaṁsa:** Own, belonging to oneself.
* **Mṛdu:** Soft, tender.
* **Bhuja:** Arm.
* **Kāmapāśa:** The bonds of love.
* **Jān:** To seem, to appear.
* **Śaṁkha:** A conch shell.
* **Āvarta:** A whorl, a spiral.
* **Samāgrīva:** Neck.
* **Pravāla:** Coral.
* **Adhara:** Lip.
* **Pallava:** A bud, a sprout.
* **Mūga:** A coral.
* **Danta:** Tooth.
* **Mukta:** Pearl.
* **Phala:** Fruit.
* **Udyōta:** Shine, brilliance.
* **Sindhōvala:** A sea wave.
* **Suśōbhita:** Adorned, graced.
* **Sanrakta:** Red.
* **Tāla:** Palate.
* **Jihvā:** Tongue.
* **Agra:** Tip.
* **Antara:** Interior.
* **Āsya:** Mouth.
* **Rājat:** Shine, gleam.
* **Vācī:** Speech.
* **Pravṛttāyāṁ:** When it is uttered.
* **Kokila:** A cuckoo.
* **Svananīsvana:** The sound of the cuckoo.
* **Aśabda:** To make something speechless, to render it insignificant.
* **Priya:** Beloved.
* **Mukha:** Face.
* **Ātmīya:** Own, belonging to oneself.
* **Didṛkṣōḥ:** Of one who desires to see.
* **Preyasa:** Beloved.
* **Sammukhau:** Facing each other.
* **Bhavatō:** Of you, of the king.
* **Kapōla:** Cheek.
* **Darpaṇa:** Mirror.
* **Sannāsīkā:** Nose.
* **Atimadhyasthā:** Situated in the middle.
* **Sama:** Even, symmetrical.
* **Pūṭā:** A small, round protuberance.
* **Abhyabhāt:** Appeared, shone.
* **Sparḍhinī:** Competitor, rival.
* **Vārayanta:** Preventing, hindering.
* **Anyōnyadarśana:** Mutual seeing.
* **Trivarṇa:** Three-colored.
* **Abja:** Lotus.
* **Nibha:** Like, resembling.
* **Darśana:** Sight, vision.
* **Dīrghadarśana:** Long-sighted.
* **Mantra:** A sacred utterance, a spell.
* **Mantraṇā:** Counsel, advice.
* **Karṇa:** Ear.
* **Mūla:** Root, base.
* **Upāśrita:** Approached, sought refuge in.
* **Tanu:** Thin, delicate.
* **Rekha:** Line, stroke.
* **Bhruvau:** Eyebrow.
* **Dūre:** Far.
* **Sanhate:** Close together.
* **Samāropa:** To place, to adorn.
* **Cāpa:** A bow.
* **Śubhāvahe:** Auspicious, bringing good fortune.
* **Nata:** Low, bent.
* **Tunga:** High, elevated.
* **Sādṛśya:** Similarity, resemblance.
* **Sisukshya:** Desire to obtain, to seek.
* **Lalāṭapatta:** Forehead.
* **Ardhacandra:** The crescent moon.
* **Sthiti:** Position, state.
* **Kuṇḍala:** Earring.
* **Ujjvala:** Bright, shining.
* **Gaṇḍa:** Cheek.
* **Karṇayugala:** Pair of ears.
* **Upamā:** Comparison.
* **Māsala:** Plump, fleshy.
* **Komala:** Soft, tender.
* **Sama:** Even, symmetrical.
* **Sāra:** Essence, substance.
* **Rahita:** Devoid of.
* **Haṁthī:** Elephant.
* **Shunda:** Trunk.
* **Daṇḍa:** A stick, a rod.
* **Kathiṇa:** Hard, firm.
* **Sparśa:** Touch.
* **Vistararūpī:** Extended, expansive.
* **Guna:** Quality, attribute.
* **Marudevi:** The goddess of the wind.
* **Jāṁgha:** Thigh.
* **Sādṛśya:** Similarity, resemblance.
* **An