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## Fifth Canto
Having flowed eastward for five hundred yojanas, the Ganga then turned back, flowing southward from the Ganga Kूट and entered the Bharat Kṣetra. [30] She crossed over the sky, exceeding one hundred yojanas, and fell upon the mountain, twenty-five yojanas away. [13]
The Jivīkā, a system shaped like a bull's head, is six yojanas wide and one yojana deep, half a yojana high, and as long as it is wide. [14] The Ganga, flowing through this system, took on the shape of a cow's horn and fell in front of Śrī's house, spreading out for ten yojanas on the ground. [11]
There is a Vajrakuṇḍa, sixty yojanas wide, with a mouth shaped like a diamond. In the middle of this pond, there is an island, ten yojanas wide. [14] On this island, there is a diamond-like, immovable mountain, eight yojanas in diameter and two krośas high. [143] This mountain is four yojanas wide at the base, two yojanas in the middle, and one yojana at the top, and ten yojanas high. [144]
On the peak of this mountain, at its base, and in the middle, there are two thousand bows wide, and within, five hundred yojanas long, two hundred and fifty yojanas wide, and two thousand yojanas high, a shining diamond house. [145-146] This house has a diamond door, called Vajrakapatā, eighty yojanas high and forty yojanas wide. [147]
Flowing south from the Vajrakuṇḍa, the Ganga, taking on the shape of an earring, entered the cave of the Vijayardha mountain, becoming eight yojanas wide. [148] With fourteen thousand rivers, she entered the eastern salt sea, becoming sixty-five and a half yojanas wide. [149]
The Ganga is three parts high. [137]
- Trilokasāra
1. ṣaḍyojanān sagavyūtām m. | 2. yojanādha | 3. kosadugadīhavhalā vasahāyārā ya jidīyā saṅgha |
chhajjoyaṇam sakosaṁ tisṣe gaṇṭaṇ paḍidā sā ||584||
himavanta anta maṇimaya varakūḍa muhammi vasah rūvammi |
pavisittu paḍaha ghārā saya joyaṇam tuṅga sasi dhavla ||149||
chhajjoyaṇam sakkośā paṇāliyā vitthḍā muṇeyavā |
āyāmeṇa ya ṇeyā ve kosātettiyā bahalā ||150||
4. ajitaḥ m. | 5. yāṣṭayojanī k. |
- Jambū. Prajñapti