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Hansa = A water bird resembling a duck, which lives in large lakes 8.144 Hansagarbha (also) A city in the northern range of Vijayardha 22.91 Hari (person) King Arya and
Manorama's son 15.57 Hari (person) Krishna 35.22 Hari = Monkey 55.117
Hari = Lion 55.117
Hari = Vishnu 55.117 Hari = Indra 55.117 Harikantha (person) Second to
Narayana 60.569 Harichandra (person) Krishnachandra 54.73 Hariskhetra (geographical) One of the seven
regions of Jambudvipa 5.13 Harikantha (person) Hayagriva's second minister 28.43 Harina = A species of deer 8.137
Harikanta (geographical) One of the eight peaks of Mahahimavan 5.72
Harikanta (also) A river flowing from Mahapadmahad
Harit (geographical) A
river of Jambudvipa 5.123 Harivarsha (geographical) One of the
eight peaks of Mahahimavan 5.72
Haridvati (also) A river in the southern
range of Vijayardha 27.13 Harivarsha (also) One of the nine
peaks of Nishadha Parvat 5.88 Harishena (person) Son of King Devadatta of Mithila 17.34
= Lineage of Lord Nemnath 1.71
Harivansha = Jain Purana 1.51 Harivishta throne 38.16 Harishakti = One who has the power like that of a lion 36.43 Harishchandra (person) Fifth of the nine upcoming Balabhadra 60.568 Harishena (person) Tenth Chakravarti 60.512 Harishena (person) Daughter born to Shrikant, wife of King Shrisena of Ayodhya 64.130 Harishmashru (person) Minister of King Ashvagriva 28.32 Harishmashru (person) Son of King Vinamika
22.104 Harichandra (person) A Muni 27.183
Harisah Kuta (also) One of the nine peaks located on the Vidyutprabha Parvat 5.223 Harisah Kuta (also) One of the nine peaks located on the Malyaavan Parvat 5.220 Hastinayak (also) A city in the northern range of Vijayardha
Hastanyas = Heritage 17.79 Hastasambahan = Handshake
Hastaprahelika (also) There is a Hastaprahelika for each of the eighty-four Shirah Prakampita
Haladhar = Balabhadra 25.35 Halabhrud (person) Baldev 36.16 Halayudha (person) Baldev 35.62
Hali (person) Balabhadra 11.27 Hayan = Year 52.20
Har = An ornament 7.189 Haridra (also) One of the thirty-one layers 6.46 Hari (person) A dev who is obedient to Indra 33.169 Hari = A Vidya 22.63 Hastin (also) A city in the northern
range of Vijayardha 22.187 Hastivijay (geographical) A city in the northern range of Vijayardha 22.89 Hastinapuradhisha = King of Hastinapur 12.10 Himsa = Violence (T. Su. 7.13) 58.127 Hinsavyudas - Abandonment of violence 17.164
Hiumb (person) A lineage of the city of Sandhyakar in Vindhyachal 45.114 Himavan (person) Son born to Andhakavrishnika
Subhadra 18.13 Himpur (also) A city in the southern
range of Vijayardha 22.98 Himavan (geographical) A
mountain of Jambudvipa 5.15
Himashti (person) Son of Vasudeva Madanavega
48.61 Himavat (person) A king
Himavan (person) Son of Jarasandha
Himashikar = Snowflakes 15.3 Himavat Kuta (also) One of the eleven peaks of Himavat Kulachal