Disclaimer: This translation does not guarantee complete accuracy, please confirm with the original page text.
## English Translation:
* **Satyavan (व्य)** - A son of Rishabhdev, a Ganadhar 12.62
* **Satyaved (व्य)** - A son of Rishabhdev, a Ganadhar 12.162
* **Satrashala = Danashala** - A charitable kitchen 25.21
* **Sarasama = Sajjanon ka samuh** - A group of noble people 1144
* **Saptam Prastaraka Indraka** - The seventh Indra of the Prastar 4.135
* **Shadavashyak (पा)** - The six essentials for the monks:
* Gun-samata (Equality of qualities)
* Vandana (Salutation)
* Stuti (Praise)
* Pratikraman (Confession)
* Swadhyay (Self-study)
* Kayotsarg (Abandonment of the body) ... These six are essential 2.128
* **Shadj (षड्ज)** - A type of musical note 19.153
* **Shadjkaishiki (षड्जकैशिकी)** - A musical scale based on the Shadj note 19.174
* **Shadjmadhya (षड्जमध्या)** - A musical scale based on the Shadj note 19.174
* **Shadjiv Nikaya - Prithvikayi** - The five stationary beings (earth, water, fire, air, and space) and one mobile being (human) 2.117
* **Shashth-vela - Do din ka upavas** - A two-day fast 2058
* **Paduji (पाडूजी)** - A musical scale based on the Shadj note 19.174
* **Shadav (षाडव)** - A musical scale with fourteen notes 19.169
* **Shodashaardh (षोडशार्द्ध)** - Eight 2.83
* **Harivansh Purane Sachittanikshep (पा)** - The transgression of a guest 58.183
* **Sachittavaran (पा)** - The transgression of a guest 58.183
* **Sachittahar (पा)** - The transgression of enjoying and being enjoyed 58.182
* **Sachittasambandahar (पा)** - The transgression of enjoying and being enjoyed 58.182
* **Sachittasamishrahar (पा)** - The transgression of the vow of enjoying and being enjoyed 58.182
* **Sanjayant (व्य)** - A monk from the Videha region 27.3
* **Sanjay (व्य)** - The son of King Charam 17128
* **Sanjay (व्य)** - A king 50.130
* **Samjwalit (भौ)** - The eighth Indra of the Prastar, with the brilliance of sand 4.125
* **Sarakalyan = Vivaah** - Marriage 1962
* **Satyak (व्य)** - A warrior on Krishna's side 52.14
* **Satyak (व्य)** - A king 501124
* **Satyak (व्य)** - The son of Shivika 48041
* **Satyapravad (पा)** - A type of knowledge based on past scriptures 2.98
* **Satydev (व्य)** - A son of Rishabhdev, a Ganadhar 12.162
* **Satyaneme (व्य)** - A Yadava 50.120
* **Satyaneme (व्य)** - The son of Samudravijay 4843
* **Satyabhama (व्य)** - Krishna's wife 1.93
* **Satyamahavrat (पा)** - The abandonment of words that are motivated by attachment, aversion, and delusion 2.118
* **Satyasattva (व्य)** - The son of Jarasandha 52132
* **Satsankhyadi (पा)** - The eight categories of knowledge:
* Sat (Being)
* Sankhya (Number)
* Kshetra (Region)
* Sparshan (Touch)
* Kal (Time)
* Antar (Space)
* Bhav (Emotion)
* Alpbahutva (Few and Many) ... These eight are the Anuyo-dwar 2.108
* **Satyayashas (व्य)** - A son of Rishabhdev, a Ganadhar 12.65
* **Sasy (व्य)** - Satyabhama 43.13
* **Sadbhadrilpur (भो)** - A city 18.112
* **Siddhārtha = Ek Vidya** - A type of knowledge 22170
* **Sanatkumar (भौ)** - The third heaven
* **Sakkaapir (भौ)** - The name of a country 11169
* **Sakandarppriya = Kamijanon ko priya** - Beloved by the lustful 42.21
* **Sakalbhutdaya (पा)** - The seven types of knowledge that lead to the destruction of the flow of karma 58.94
* **Sakti = Lagav** - Attachment 319
* **Sangh (व्य)** - A monk 18.133
* **Sagar (व्य)** - A king 23350
* **Sagar (व्य)** - The second Chakravarti 60.283
* **Sagar (व्य)** - The son of Jarasandha 52.36
* **Sangh = Bheed** - A crowd 19.11
* **Sanatkumar (व्य)** - A Yaksha who resides near the statues of the non-artificial Chaitya 5.363
* **Sanatkumar (व्य)** - The fourth Chakravarti 601286
* **Sanatkumar (व्य)** - The fourth Chakravarti born in the Kuru dynasty 45.16
* **Sanikachit (पा)** - The fourth Prabhrit of the Agrayani 1085
* **Sannipat = Talgat Gandharv ka ek prakar** - A type of Gandharva music 19.150
* **Santān = Kalpvriksh vishesh** - A special type of Kalpvriksh (wish-fulfilling tree) 8.189
* **Sandarary (व्य)** - The first Ganadhar of Vimalnath 60.348
* **Sandhyakar (भो)** - A city in the Vindhyachal region 45.114