The shortest duration of the vedanīya karma has been mentioned as antarmuhurta in Uttarādhyayana sūtrul and Prajñāpanā.: Bhagavati mentions two samayas as the minimum duration.: There is no contradiction between these different statements, because muhurta includes antarmuhurta which can be described as having the duration of two samayas. But Tattvärthasūtra and Karmagrantha have mentioned twelve muhurtas as the minimum duration of this karma. This discrepancy may be explained with reference to the sāmparāyika asrava and Tryāpathika äsrava. The maximum duration would be 30 crores of crores sāgara. Mohaniya karma
Mohanīya karma is deluding karma. It causes emotional disturbances and leads one astray, making him believe that this world is very much real and one clings strongly to the experiences of this world. In this sense, we may say it cause; "delusions". This is the most powerful of the eight karmas. Mohiniya karma is the primary form of karma which is responsible for the wheel of samsāra.5 In this sense the real nature of the arman, which is purs and non-attached, free from the passions, is very much affected by the perversions of the emotional disturbances. By this karma, one ordinarily loses the power of dis. crimina:ion. The effects of this karina can be compared to the effects of alcoholic drinks in which one loses the power of thought and discrimination and the sense of discriminating good from bad.6
i Uttaràdhyayona 33, 19-20. 2 Projñ ipanā 23, 2, 21-29 3 Bhagavati 6, 3-Vedanijjam jaha do samayā I 4 (a) Tuttvārthasūtra 8, 19.
(b) Tattvārthabhāşya (C) Navat ittva Sahitya Sangraha; Devananda Sūţiksta, Saptatattva
Prakarana (d) Jaina Darsina, p. 354 · Dr. Mohanlal Mehtā. 5 Vinayacandra Caubīsī 6 (a) Prathama Karmagrantha, gāthā 13
(b) Sthäninga 2, 4, 105 ţikā (c) Gom natis.ār.2 (k:ırmıkāndu) 21,
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