up topics such as Special theory of relativity, Nature of light, Doppler effect, Black holes etc, many of which form the foundations of modern physics and are deeply entrenched into current scientific thought. They have been verified by repeated observations and it is unlikely that they will need a significant refinement as a result of further experimentation or observations although one must keep an open mind.
Quantum mechanics has ben one of the greatest achievements of the modern physics. It has been able to explain a lot of diverse physical phenomena, but whether it describes the real world in completeness remains to be seen. The problem whether light is a wave or a particle has been a fundamental problem of the 19th century physics. This dichotomy originated from the fact that the western science is based on rigid definitions. Whether it is this or that, a choice has to be made. There is no such conflict with the Jain philosophy since Anekantvad is one of the basic premise on which Jain thought has developed. There is no difficulty in saying that light can be both, wave or a particle, or neither, depending on the perspective of the observer and its true nature may never be understood completely. In discussion of these scientific topics, some ideas have been put forth, quoting Jain scriptures, some of which may deserve further study. It is impressive to see that a variety of topics, as diverse as the origin of life to cosmic time cycles were discussed in the ancient scriptures, in quantitative terms and the theory of Karma, which can in rigor, beauty and complexity is as thorough as the quantum theory were formulated by Jain thought.
The topics dealing with mantra, yantra, japa, colour and music point out to their importance in the Jain philosophy and spiritual practices and have not formed the subject of scientific investigations. It may be easy to feel their effects on human mind but it is difficult to quantify this effect and therefore they have eluded a proper scientific basis. If techniques develop which can measure their effects, scientific theories can then be developed. Celibacy is one of the corner stones of Jain religion and whereas its importance is accepted by the medical world, there are some new aspects which have been brought to light in this book. The bio-electromagnetic energy or extra sensory perception are the topics which are only lately being investigated scientifically
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