352 Harmless Souls
mendicant, 240 sāgāra-uvaoga - see upayoga Sain, U., 194 sallekhanā - ritual death by
fasting, 84 sama (sama) - equanimity,
118-119, 186, 188, 193, 195 samādhi - deep meditation,
193-195, 207-208 samārambha - preparation to
do vilence, 66, 66n, 311 samaya - essential or realised
self, true definition, (doctrine, religion), 95, 192, defined 233-239, 252, 265,
289, 298 Samayasāra, 91, 95-97, 109,
123n, 124, 130, 137, 144, 147, 156, 167, 211, 216,
230-310 sāmāyika - total physical
restraint, attaining
equanimity, 187-196, 208 samiti - 5 rules of conduct,
types of carefulness, 44, 62, 68, listed 69-71, 163, 192,
196; see also īryā-samiti samjvalana - smouldering
passions, 54 Sāmkhya, 95, 232, 263, 292,
294, 303 samkleśa - defilement, 138 sammāditthi - right
understanding, 283 samparāiyā kiriyā - action
characteristic of a lay person,
samrambha - impulsion, determination to do violence,
66, 66n, table samsāra - cycle of rebirth, worlds in which the soul is bound by karma, 1, 23-24, 35, 38, 50, 59, 81, 108, 121122, 135, 137, 142n, 147, 183. 201. 226. 243, 244n. 273, 280, 282, 290, 300; see
also gati samskāra - life-crisis ritual, 89 samvara - stoppage of karmic
influx, 62, 69, 69n, 76, 134,
156, 192, 196, 202 samyag-darśana - right
faith/belief/view, 185 samyag-drsti - right belief,
242, 277, 283, 285 samyag-jñāna - right
knowledge, 185-186 samyak-cāritra - right conduct,
185-186 samyama - self-control,
restraint, 119, 188 samyoga - combining, mixing
up, 67, 69-71 Sankara, 96, 154 Sanskrit, use of 80, 93 sapta-bhangi-naya - sevenfold
predication, 247 Sarvārthasiddhi, 46-47, 50-53,
57, 60-61, 64-65, 67, 71, 7374, 76-77, 88, 92, 102, 150, 152-153, 160, 168, 174-175, 182, 185, 192, 196-200, 218, 220; see also Pūjyapāda
(Devanandin) śāstra - texts, 275 sat - existent, 104 Şatkhandāgama, 126 śauca - purity, complete
freedom from greed, 76-77, 218
sāmparāyika āsrava - rebirth
causing karmic influx, 56,
59-61 sāmparāyika karma - rebirth
causing karma, 48, 49n, 50, in the Tattvārtha Sūtra 5764, 86-87
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