Glossary and Index
Frauwallner, E., 79, 233, 240
gati - birth (four possible), 23 gnosis, 122, 141, 153, 156,
264, 272, 307 Gombrich, R.F., 28n, 29n, 36,
164-165, 238 guna - essential property,
quality, 99, 101, 104, 114,
126, 254, 276 Guņacandra, 94 gunasthāna - fourteen stages
on path to liberation, 83-84,
83n, 88-89, 199 gupti - three kinds of restraint. 44, 69n, 71, 191-192, 194, 196, 203
279 Indra, 177 indriya - sense(s), 58 intention - see volition internalisation (of doctrine,
practice), 303-310, passim iryāpatha - four postures (in
Buddhism), 62 īryāpatha āsrava - short-term
karmic influx, 56, 59-60 īryāpatha karma - short-term karma, 48, 49n, 50-51, 65, 86-87; in the Tattvārtha
Sutra, 57-64 īryāpathakriyā - walking
carefully, 59-62 īryā-samiti (iriyā-samii) - care
in walking, 41-44, 61-62, 69
70, 168-169; see also samiti īriyāvahiyā kiriyā - action of a
monk conforming to the monastic rules, 41, 43n, 44; cf. samparāiyā kiriyā
Sun.acanda 276
H Hardy, F., 233n hātā - relinquisher, 143 hiņsā - violence, harming
action, injury, 1, 11 19-22, 25-26, 29, 35, 37, 39, 42, 5152, 54, 62-63, 65, 68, 72, 7577, 152, 202, 219, 292, 294, 306; defined in the Tattvārtha Sūtra, 51-52; in
the Pravacanasāra, 156-184 Hindus, 228, 232, 297, 303 householders, 5-6, 32, 32n, 37
38, 63-64, 72-78, 80-89, 11112, 115, 168, 198, 26-230, 282-283,304-310; characteristic marks of, 295303; practice of sāmāyika, 189-190; status in earliest texts, 23-31
Jacobi, H., 12, 32, 44 Jaini, J.L., 231-238, 258, 300 Jaini, P.S., 5, 9, 14-15, 46, 54, 73-74, 85-86, 101, 104, 121, 128, 131, 149-151, 183n,
188-191, 195, 211-212, 254 Jayasena, 94, 96-97, 168, 171,
176, 231, 233, 236, 242,
257-260, 287, 296 jina - spiritual conqueror, 213
214, 235, 261, 275, 282-283,
295 Jinasena, 89 jiva - soul, life-monad, sentient being, 1, 6, 10, 17, 18, 2426, 36, 38, 48, 50-51, 61, 6364, 67-68, 72, 75, 81, 87, 98, 101-106; 109-110, 113, 116118, 122, 124-131, 133-140,
identity, socio-religious,
passim impurity, 77, 136, 205-206,
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