વિજ્ઞાન અને ધર્મ
મનુષ્ય જાતની ઉત્પત્તિ પૃથ્વી ઉપર અંતિમ હિલચાલ પછી થઈ (1) અને તે મનુષ્ય જાત જ્યારે પણ બ્રહ્માંડ કિરણે વિકી
cu (Radiation) Masallal 44419Hİ 24142 rell; uig માનવજાતને ચેડા કાળમાં જ પરીક્ષામાં મૂકવાનું શક્ય છે. હેઝનને (qalize S } admin olsce (Facts) 241 248 ay iş ચુંબકીય ક્ષેત્ર ધીમે ધીમે નિર્બળ થતું જાય છે. આ ક્રિયાને આપણે indicated that several naw species of alges and protozoa suddenly appeaed about 2,500,000 years ago and existed without significant change until 7,00,000 years ago Then, within a short time span some of those species completely disappeared, others under went marked chonge, and new species emerged.
The evoltuionary changes. Heezen believes may well have been caused by the temporary disappearance of the earth's magnetic field at the mid-point of each reversal cycle, In the absense of the field which normally deflects many of the high energy particles from outer space-cosmic ray particles rained down unhindered. Enough of them Penetrated the atmosphere to alter and camage the cells of existing organisms destroying some species and causing mutations in others,
Man appeared on the earth after the last reversal, and he has never been exposed to a singnificant increase in cosmic radiation But he soon may be put the test Current data, Heezen, feels, points to a gradual weake. ning of the magnetic field, a possibie prelude to a reversal in a few hundered to a few thousand yeare. This would mean a sudden increase in cosmic bombardment of the earth's surface, “I don't want to be an alarmist.” he says “but we may be the next."
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