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It is stated that the present commentary does not contain any reference to the Ashta Shatika, its verses, or words, nor to the Ashta Sahasri. However, this Devagam Vritti was published once in 1914 by the Sanatan Jain Granthamala of Calcutta. It should now be reprinted in a good edition.
(d) Devagam - Basis of Composition:
After introducing the Devagam and its commentaries above, its basis of composition is also considered here.
A. Vidyānanda holds a respected place in Jain literature and his works are considered to be like the words of an omniscient being. According to these Vidyānanda, Swami Samantabhadra composed the Devagam at the beginning of the Tattvartha Sutra for the purpose of examining the omniscient being. His references are as follows: (1) 'Shastravatara-rachita-stuti-gochara-apta-mimamsa-ishyam kriti ...... Ashta-s. Aadi-mangala-shlo. 1, p. 1. (2) 'Shastra-arambhe-abhishtuta-syapta-syamoksha-marga-pranetrutaya karma-bhu-bhritrutaya visva-tattva-naam jnatrutaya cha bhagavad-arhat-sarvajnasya eva anya-yoga-vyavachchedhena vyavasthapan-para-pariksheyam vihita.'
Ashta-s. p. 294.
(3) Shrimant-Tattvartha-shastrad-bhutasalila-nidher-iddha-ratno-dbhavasya, proththana-arambha-kale sakala-mala-bhide shastra-karais-kritam yat. Stotram tirtha-upamana-prathita - prithu-patham swami-mimamsitam tat vidyanandaha swashakt-ya
11 Apta-p. ka. 123, p. 265. (4) '''''Iti sanksepatah shastra-dau parameshthi-guna-stotrasya muni-pungavai - vidhiyamanasyanvayaha sampradaya-vyavachchedha-lakshanaha padartha-ghatana-lakshanaha va lakshaniyaha, prapanchatas-tad-anvayasya-akshepa-samadhana-shrimant-Samantabhadra-swamibhir-devagama-khya-apta-mimamsayaam
- Apta-p. ka. 120, p. 261-262.
prakasanat. '