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## Karika 85:
**Specific understanding regarding the fallacy of external objects:** If the meaning of the fallacious terms is considered to be devoid of the fallacious form, then the fallacious term will not be able to produce the fallacious understanding, and the absence of this production will lead to the emergence of the understanding of proof. In other words, it will be necessary to consider the fallacy as correct knowledge, which is not desirable and unobstructed. This will hinder the absence of meaning in words like "kharvishaan" (horn of a donkey) and "khapushp" (sky flower). Their meaning is absent, and if this is not accepted, then the emergence of the meaning of "kharvishaan" etc. will be inevitable. Therefore, there is no contradiction in the said reason for the term with these "kharvishaan" etc.
**The elimination of the fault of contradiction in the reason for the term:** The three are intellect, word, and meaning, which are indicative of intellect etc. The three are intellect etc. knowledge, which are reflections of the three. ||85||
(If a Mimamsa follower says that meaning, word, and knowledge are all equal terms), then in the case of the term "Jeev" being applied to the "Jeev" meaning, "Jeev" word, and "Jeev" intellect, the "Jeev" word, which is the meaning of the object, is known to be external, while the intellect and word are not. In such a situation, the contradiction fault arises due to the pervasiveness of the reason for the term in the opposite direction; because the reason for the term has been stated in a general form without any specific qualification of intellect, word, and meaning etc., then those who say so are not realists; because) the terms of intellect, word, and meaning, and the three knowledges related to intellect etc. arising from the terms of intellect etc., are all reflections of the object of intellect etc. other than themselves. The definite knowledge that arises from the uttered word (without contradiction) is its meaning, otherwise the word will be...