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## Chapter 4: Samantabhadra-Bharati
[Chapter 4]
**They are not entirely different.**
**The unity of dravya and paryaya is due to the difference in parinaama (transformation) and shakti (power) and shakti-bhaava (power-state).** ||71||
**The difference in sajnjaa (name), sankhya (number), and vishesha (specific characteristic) is due to the difference in svakshana (own characteristic). The difference in prayojana (purpose) and other things is due to the difference in kaala (time) and pratibhaasa (appearance).** ||72||
'Dravya and paryaya are both (in some way) one; because they are not entirely different (even though there is a difference in their appearance) - due to the impossibility of separating them, there is no complete difference. And dravya and paryaya are (in some way) different - they are different from each other; because there is a difference in parinaama (transformation) and parinaami (transformed), a difference in shaktiman (powerful) and shaktibhaava (power-state), a difference in sajnjaa (name), a difference in sankhya (number), a difference in svakshana (own characteristic), and a difference in prayojana (purpose) and other things (like time and appearance). Therefore, dravya and paryaya are not entirely one, nor are they entirely different - both have a certain degree of difference and non-difference, which is the principle of anekanta (many-sidedness).'
**Explanation:** Here, the word 'dravya' refers to guna (quality), saamaanya (universality), and upaadaanakaarana (material cause), and the word 'paryaya' refers to guna (quality), vyakti vishesh (individual particular), and kaaryadravya (effect-substance). The word 'avyatireka' refers to the impossibility of separation, which means that one dravya cannot be made into another dravya, or one dravya's paryaya cannot be made into another dravya's paryaya, or the intended dravya cannot be completely separated from its paryaya, or the intended paryaya cannot be completely separated from its dravya. In this way, dravya and paryaya are both one thing; like the knowledge of the object and the knower, which cannot be completely separated even though there is a difference in their appearance.
If, according to the belief of the Brahmavaidya (monistic) philosophers, paryaya is considered unreal and dravya is considered real, and paryaya is considered to be...