15.6.2 Deleu remarks further:
(1) "In a number of verses we find extrametrical additions. (2) Metri causa we must read: paunjamāṇ' aiyare (1.210), etc.. (3) Note the metrical shortening in yayanti and vavant (III.63), thaviyā, i.e. °viyā, vejja (III.119). (4) Twice we meet LGG/LG instead of LGL/GG in the 6th and 7th gana, namely in the a-lines of III.54 and 118. Cf. G/LG instead of L/GG in the 6th and 7th gana of III.286. (5) The 6th gana in III.77b (... puno vi bhamaḍejja) and the 5th gana in III.120a (but cf. reading of Ms.K) have only three instead of four morae. The 7th gana in 1.376 and the 3rd gana in III.566 (but cf. reading of Ms.K) have five instead of four morae. (6) Note that the rule for him/-hi [in anustubh, see e.g. I.11d, 157, 160 and 174 (sallehim), 189, etc.] applies also to the gähäs, as e.g. in I.148, III.16a, 32a (indehim), 46a, etc. The same applies to -aim in aidūsahāim dukkhaim (III.67a). (7) The cadence is defective in 1.211 (dhammo"... nejjä: influenced by śloka?) and at the end of III.127a (quotation). (8) Other metres in quotations are: 1.11 sragdhara, 1.36 and 195 two indravajras, and II.147 vamsastha. There are a few. licences [in these verses]".
15.6.3 For an instance of "Vedha-Rhythm" (in IV.§1.6: tammi ya uvaladdha-punṇa-påve), see Schubring, MNSt.B,p.209, fn.4.
15.7 Hamm: In nutshell one can say that the author is lacking in competence in and an intention for metrics. In using words he makes no choice, hence many of his padas remain defective.
They are 1.10 (jam); 11.105 (dukkaya); 111.3 (sa), 24 (agga and Kancana), 38 (tu), 56 (iti), 58 (Goyama etc.), 68 (akkhayam, the verse is a giti if ti is ommitted), 79 (mahanta; read tatth' ev' abhu), 92 (parinene), 94 (kammam and jogge), 105 (pavara), 110 (gahan").
48 Further examples are: tala (1.211), duccittāṇam and taveṇam ajho* (II.105), ārāhage saranne (? III.27), ddäriddam nāma (III.30), gurunam (III.34), nuthāna and sakāra (III.35), so instead of davya-tthao (? III.37), than' esiyavva vise and c' anutiheyam (III.48), na param (III.58), mutthāṇassa (III.68), nivvattanti (III.87), nighosa with [Ms.] K (III.89), dahai and jhana (III.94), sattan' anu (III.108), bārasa for duvālasa (III.113), jhāna (III.114),sajjhāya (III.117), ppāvāṇa (III.121), ddhūma and kärane with K (III.131), pāṇe (III.132). For Private & Personal Use Only
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