Chap. VI: Unallowed cadence appears in a/c pādas in 69 cases, i.e. 32.7% of the total"; in b/d pādas in 14 cases, i.e. 6.8%; the cadence is thus wrong in 39.5% cases. Only in end-rhyme the author has made comparatively few mistakes. 15.4.2 Chap.I-II: "40 a/c pādas, i.e. 20%, and 23 b/d pādas, i.e. 11.5%, show an irregular cadence.45
15.5 Gäha = äryä. 15.5.1 Hamm. The gāthā (gāhā) (āryā] appears in VI.30, 202, 250, 386-411; pathyā āryā are: VI.30, 202, 386-390, 395, 398-99, 401, 403, 405, 410-11; vipulā, otherwise correct, are: VI.391a, 392ab, 396ab, 397a, 402a (giti), 404a, 408a. 15.5.2 Deleu. "The gāhā (āryā metre) is found in: 1.10, 37, 148, 208-211; II.105; III.3, 1638, 46-137. Among these thirty-three46 are gitis (b with 8 ganas like a), III.51 is an udgiti (b-a instead of a-b). The āryās are partly pathyā (60%), partly vipulā (40%), i.e. either they have caesura after the third gaņa or not. On the whole the gāhās are much more regular than the ślokas (anuştubh). The reason is that in the author's time the gāhā was the metre mainly used in commentaries and that, since he wanted to produce an archaic work, he had to use a metre far less familiar to him".
15.6 Additional Remarks 15.6.1 Hamm's further remarks are: VI.393, a giti, in pāda b the 7th gana has 5 morae; in vs.394, a vipulā, the 5th gana is amphibrachys; in vs.400, a giti, pāda b vipulā, patthie is to be deleted; in vs.406, pāda b, the 7th gana has 3 morae; in vs.407, vipulā, pāda b, 3rd gaṇa has 5 morae. VI.151 is in vamśastha metre.
43 Thc deviations are: GGGG in 16 cascs, LLGG in 12, GLLG in 11, LLLG in 8, LLGL in 7, GGGL in 4, LGLG in 4, GLLL/G in 4, and GGLL/G 3 cases.
41 GGLG in 6, LLLG in S, LGGG in 2, and GGLL in 1 cases.
45 LGLLL/G in 7 a and 12 c pādas, LLLGL/G in 6 a and 5 c pādas, GGGGG in 4 a pādas, LLLLLG in 1 a păda, GLLLLG in 1 a păda, GLLLG in 1 a pāda, GGLGG in 1a päda, GGLLL in 1 c pada, LGGGL in 1 c pāda, GGLG in 7 b and 8 d pādas, LLLLG in 4 b and 3 d pādas, LGLGG in 1 b pāda.
46 The gitis arc: 1.10, 211; 11.105; 111.3, 19, 27, 35, 37-38, 52-56, 58, 61, (68), 77, 82, 84-87, 89, 91, 93-94, 98, 104, 108, 114, 117, and 119.
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