sesam. Hamm (MNSt.C,p.14) gives following instances from Chap. VI: ukkunudam 397*, kanțagain 238-9*, 242", kālam 186*, 398*?, cunnajogam 6*, 24*, tosam 141*, deham 343', dhammar 184*, pariņāmam 323*, paribhogam 6*, 22*, palayam 358*, bandham 113*, bhangam 119*, musävāyam 352*, moham 353*, rāgam 353*, rāsi 6*, 36*, lābham 124*, samjamam 1214.) 15.b. neut. instead of fem.: kiriya (III. $29.8 = kriyā), cūla (III.87.6; but cũlā III.86.13, 89.21), thii (II. $12.2 & 9), taņu (II.78*); itthiya (neut. II.$11.2f.; $17.1 & 4; $18.2, $20.4) = strika "a female". 15.c. masc. instead of neut.: angôvanga (II.$11.24f.), abbhakkhāna (11.61*), (ây)ambila (1.42*, III.5*f.), uttamatta (II.815.6), uvahāna (III.87.10), karavatta (II.138*), khandana (II.811.22), citta (II.$11.8f.), tava (1.3* & 37*), dūņa (1.3*), dukkha (II.53* & 140*), duha (II.26* & 138*), dhārana (III.844.3.5), nagara (11.916.3), nāma (1.23*, 65*, 112", 145*), pāyacchitta (II.174*, 200*f.), pāva (1.218*), phala (II.133*), manuyatta (1.75*), rana (II.816.3), vaya (II.187* = vrata). (MNSt..4,p.94 lists the following instances: dāņo, duho, pacchitto, rayane, vigghe, sāmanne.) 15.d. masc. instead of fem.: tanu (11.911.25), bondi (11.811.26), thui (III.$8.4f.) with pasāhage and ese, but also with kāyavva. See also below paragraph 19: quite a number of pronouns in 1.147*-150*. (15.e. MNSt.A,p.94 mcntions some words used in two genders: -attho / -atthamn, āgamam / agamo, janam / -jano, gaccham / gaccho.]
Case-forms 16[A] Nominative a. For the distribution of the nom.sg.masc. in -e/-o and the nom.pl.masc. in -e/-u see MNSt.A, pp.84ff. and pp.88ff., but also MNSt.C pp.13f. b. Sometimes the stem is used for the nom.sg.: metta (I.101*), pasu (II.4*), miya pasu (11.9*), guru (11.31"), bandhi (II.110*), hindi (11.128*), gihi (II.189*), accana (III.35*,twice), pakkheva (III.85*). c. pasave (11.68*) is formed like bahave (Sanskritism). d. Sometimes the acc. seems to be used along with or instead of the nom., see II.138*, $20.1f., $20.4ff., 200". 16[B] Accusative a. The stem is used for the acc.sg. in khana (11.6"). b. The acc.sg. of masc. and fem. stems in -i/-i often ends in -i instead of -im: rãi (11.49* & 89*), joni (11.64*), väsiņi (II.151*a), sähuņi (11.151*c), āivamäņi (11.918.3), mahai (II.824.5), samsaggi (III.12*); vudūlhi (1.101*) with metrically short -i; aggi (II.131*), āyai (11.$11.20). Cf. also the adv.acc. sunnāsunni (I.100*) below paragraph 21b.
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