** Beware O young people!: Her own breasts have poome dangerous to the young woman."1
As De Vreese points out, neither Pischel's nor Alsdorf's interpretation does justice to the grammatical structure of the stanza. Guided by a Sanskrit verse with an almost identical thought' he favours the interpretation of some सौभाग्यगणिन् and त्रिविक्रम. He questions Hemacandra's citation of an as an illustration of Abl. sing. He considers 174T as an instance of terminationless Genitive (=an ) and interprets the verse as below :
56 Protect yourselves, Oh young people! The breasts ..of young women are dangerous ! Those, who break their own heart, what pity have those for others ?”? .
This vs. is the composition of Muñja, the celebrated king of Mālvā....
The metre is composed of 15 +13 = 28 mātrās. 351. STET – 3917 -- Stelle: 'T' (pen:)
In Apabhramśa feminine nouns. the Abl. and Gen. : pl. term. is g. (1) HT [ = ] Tá ag aftat: fifa 2: : 1
अलजिष्यं वयस्याभ्यः [वयस्यानाम्, वा ] यदि भन्नः यह ऐष्यत् ॥ :::“It is well, O sister, that my husband was killed in the battle; (for) if he had fled and returned homel I would have been put to shame aanopgst my friends."
Alsdorf, Ap Studien, p. 68. 2 स्वकीयं हृदय भित्त्वा निर्गतौ यो पयोधरौ । हृदयस्यान्यदीयस्य भेदने का कृपा तयोः ॥
YHTERGHIUSTII<, g. 246, n . 868 3 K. De Vreese, Apabhramsa Studies I, JAOS, Vol.84.11954, p.4
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