( 51 )
shortening of the final vowel . ( घण ( Sk. धन्या; सुवण्णरेह ( Sk. सुवर्णरेखा ).
a is a Desya word meaning 'a lover', 'a hero' (), while, means 'a beloved', 'a wife' (). Both the words are current in Rājasthānī, while the latter word (T) is used in modern Gujarati also in reference to the Simantonnayana ceremonies of an expectant wife.
नाइ ( Ap. नावइ ( Pr. णव्वइ ( Sk. ज्ञायते .
The metre is a moraic one; composition 10+10 mātrās. The following is the illustration of a noun in the Vocative case:.
( 2 )
हे नायक ( ढोल्ला ) मया त्वं वारितः मा कुरु दीर्घ मानम् । निद्रया गमिष्यति रात्रिः शीघ्रं ( दडवड ) भवति विभानकम् ॥
"O Dhollā! I had warned (lit. 'restrained') you not to harbour pride for a long time; (for), in sleep the night will slip away (lit. 'go', 'pass by') and soon there will be dawn".
ale, Voc. sing. of a is an instance of vowel-lengthening. So also in (Acc, sing.) the final is lengthened. 5 is a Deśya word, meaning 'quickly'-evidently an onomatopoetic word formed probably from ('to roll') and (or a) an echo-word. fa='early dawn' (cf. Mod. Guj. वहां ) ( ( विभानकम् ).
The metre is a variety of Dohaka (Hemacandra styles it as कुसुमाकुलमधुकर ); composition 13 mātrās (=6+4+~~~ or ~ -)+11 mātrās ( = 6 +~~+~ or 6+-+). Most of the illustrative verses are in this metre. The change also occurs in Feminine nouns; as, for instance, in the following:
1. Shortening the final vowel is a characteristic trait of Apabhramsa. Cf. Bhayani, op. cit., p. 126.
cf. Hemacandra's Desināmamālā, V-58, ed. by R. Pischel, Bombay Sanskrit Series, No. XVII, 1938, p. 206.
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