(Illustration of) नउ : (1) रव्यस्तमने समाकुलेन कण्ठे वितीर्णः न छिन्नः ।।
चक्रेण (= चक्रवाकेन ) खण्ड: मृणालिकायाः यथा जीवार्गल: दत्तः ॥ “ As the Sun was setting the distressed 14 placed a bit of lotus-fibre in the mouth but did not bite it-- as if it had fixed a crow-bar to shut in his (departing) soul."
(Illustration of) नाइ : (2) वलयावलि-निपतन-भयेन धन्या (= प्रिया ) ऊर्ध्वभुजा याति ।
वल्लभ-विरह-महाहृदस्य स्ताघं गवेषयति इव ।। “For fear of dropping her row of bracelets the fair lady moves with both hands raised -as if she is sounding the depth of the grent pond of her separation from ther lover."
(Illustration of) नावइ : (3) प्रेक्ष्य मुखं जिनवरस्य दीर्घ-नयन-सलावण्यम् ।
इव गुरु - मत्सर --- भृतः ज्वलने प्रविशति लवणम् ॥ " Seeing the lovely face of ffwate with long eyes, sålt leaps into fire as if on account of extreme jealousy."
The underlying islea is like this:
“ When fraat comes froin outside salt is moved round his head and thrown into the fire to ward off any evil influence of onlookers. The poet fancies that the gigog (beauty'; पक्षे, 'salinity') of जिनवर is so transcendentally great that it drives sau into a rage, which therefore, leaps into fire."
(Illustration of ) for : (4) चम्पक - कुसुमस्य मध्ये सखि भ्रमरः प्रविष्टः ।
शोभते इन्द्रनील: इव कनके उपविष्टः ।।
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