highest bliss (lit. ' place')-don't talk of other divine places." :
Here siseau and sifa are illustrations of initial g of एप्पिणु and एषि being dropped.
Alternatively, (2) गङ्गां गत्वा यः म्रियते यः शिवतीर्थ गत्वा ।
क्रीडति त्रिदशावासगतः सः यमलोकं जित्वा ।। " He who breathes last on the (banks of the) Ganges or in (lit. —huring gone to') । शिवतीर्थ (= 'a holy place, sanctified by god Siva'), conquers the Yama's abode (यमलोक), and enjoys himself in heaven."
Here the usual (untruncated) forms गमेप्पिणु and गमेप्पि are used.
443. तृन् (=तृ) - प्रत्ययस्य अणअ (आदेशः भवति)।
In Apabhrainúa the a termination of (Verbal nouns) is substituted by the 31731 ūdeśa. e. g.
(1) हस्ती मारयिता, लोकः कथयिता । • पटहो वादयिता, श्वा भषिता ॥ .
“ The elephant has the habit of attacking; people have the habit of talking (scandal); the druin has the habit of being beaten; the dog has the habit of barking."
Here मारणउ, बोल्लणउ, वजणउ, भसणउ are the illustrations of the sūtra. 444. 'इव'-अर्थे 'नं' - ' नउ' - 'नाइ' - ' नावइ' - ' जणि'
___जणु' - इति ( आदेशाः भवन्ति)। In Apabhrum ta to express the sense of 'इव' (= यथा like', 'as it') there are 6 ādeśas – namely '8', '73', 'नाइ', ' नावइ', 'जणि', and — जणु'.
(Illustration of) नं : = 'नं मल्ल – जुज्झु ससि - साहु करहिं । ( = यथा मल्लयुद्धं शशिराहू कुरुतः ।) (Vide sutra 382.1)
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