“ O sojourner ! did you see my (fair) lady-love ?* · (Yes), I saw her, listlessly looking at your route (of return ), and making her bodice wet and dry with her tears and deep sighs.'”
Here test illustrates the sūtra. (Another illustration ) : 'gai et af Freiti (='# r qan: The 1)
( Vide : sūtra 422.12 ) 432. Yarana qasraty 34 - 37012 ( antes ) FETT -
(57272: Hata) i In Apabhramśa words (extended as above) with the suffix (e. g. 353) which terminates in 37, take RET termination in the Feminine gender. This is an exception to the above sūtra about the force of term. in Fem. nouns. (1) f: 31ra: ' (fa) ar araf, ae afa: 7 got sifare: 1
(aaa) ne facer 734a: fis: 3119 7 CET 11 “I learnt the news that my dear had come (from his long journey ); his words (lit. voice) fell on my ears. (T... very moment) (the anguish of) separation dis
e ! (! 'fled away ')so that no trace (lit.no cust of its t') of it was seen anywhere.”
llere prin 311 is the illustration of the 3 term.
It is formed thus : pt (= extes: ) + 31534 > ees + 37537 > sa > 296311 > 3 (cf. sūtra 433).
433. 37' - ETC (= ) 5(= 31-7 ).
In Apabhramśa in Feminine nouns the (penultimate) 2- T before the 311 suffix, changes to 5. e. g. efsat fa a fare l'( = 'Els FT et fa a el') (Vide : sūtra 432.1)
This change occurs only in Feminine nouns; e. g. in 'gfor FRET EI (='#fa: Fof slae: 1') the change
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