(105) body has been surpassed can wander about without worry ?" 1
Here किम्व is an adesa of कथम् . (3) 'बिम्बाधरे तनुः रदनवणः कथं स्थितः (हे) श्रीआनन्द' ? ।
निरुपमं रसं प्रियेण पीत्वा इव शेषस्य दत्ता मुद्रा' ॥ "O Ananda ! how does the lovely little impress ( lit. cut') of the lover's kiss on the bimba-lip (lower lip, appearing like a. ripe, bimba-fruit) look' ?
It appears as if, after drinking the celestial nectar (of her lips ), the lover has affixed a seal to the rest.' "
This verse is one of several similar dodhaka verses current in folklore.
Here foto is another ādesa of 777. It is evidently, evolved from किध. (4) भण, सखि, निभृतकं तथा मां (प्रति) यदि प्रियः दृष्टः सदोषः ।
यथा न जानाति मम मनः पक्षापतितं तस्य ॥ ' ' "0 friend, if you have found my lover erring, tell
me in secret, so that my mind, so partial to him, does not sense (lit. "know') it."
cf. अमरुशतक, ७० : 'नीचैः शंस हृदि स्थितो हि ननु मे प्राणेश्वरः श्रोष्यति ।'
In the above verse तेम्व (तेवँ ) and जेम्व (जे) are the adesas of यथा and तथा.
Other illustrations : - जिम्व जिम्व वंकिम लोअणहं । तिम्व तिम्व वम्महु निअय-सर ॥ (sutra 344. 1).
Here जिम्व जिम्व = यथा यथा, and तिम्व तिम्व = तथा तथा. (5) मई जाणिउं प्रिय-विरहिअहं......तिह तवइ
जिह दिणयरु खय-गालि ॥ ( Vide sutra 377.1') I Alsdorf, op. cit., p. 84. 2 cf. H. C. Bhayani, op. cit., p. 150.
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