. (1) दिवसाः यान्ति झटिति पतन्ति मनोरथाः पश्चात् । ( अतः) यद् अस्ति तद् मान्यताम् (= भुज्यताम् ), 'भविष्यति'
(इति) कुर्वन् मा आस्स्व ॥ “ The days fiit by, (and) desires lag behind ('do not keep pace with time'; i. e. — are never fulfilled in time'). (Hence), whatever is handy may be accepted (enjoyed); do not (idly) wait (lit. 'sit') (thinking- let us wait') for the future.”
Here is Future 3rd Pers. sing. Alternative form will be होहिइ. Note - झडप्पड is a Desya word; cf. Sk. झटिति, Pr. झडत्ति, Gujarati and Marathi 2. It is evidently a duplicated form. अच्छइ = अस्ति, while अच्छि = आस्स्व.
389. क्रिये-क्रियापदस्य कीसु (आदेशः भवति )।
In Apabhramsa the verbal form fer is alternatively substituted by the form कीसु. (1) सतः भोगान् यः परिहरति तस्य (= तस्मै ) कान्ताय (अहं) बलीक्रिये ।
तस्य देवेनैव मुण्डितं यस्य खल्वाटं शीर्षम् ॥ " Who renounces pleasures at hand, for him, my lord, I will sacrifice my life (i. e. I will shower upon him everything that I have'). He is already shaved (clean) by Fate, whose head is bald. (i. e. 'One who is not affluent is, naturally, out of compulsion, restrained').”.
क्रिये is a Sanskrit Tatsama verbal form, which has already (Sanskrit) inflection. Alternative form will be किजउं : cf. बलि किजउं सुअणस्सु (Vide : Sutra. 338. 1)
389. भू-धातोः 'पर्याप्ति'-अर्थे 'हुच्च' (आदेशः भवति)।
In Apabhramsa the root भू when (used) in the meaning 'adequacy' takes the adesa हुच. (1) अति-तुङ्गत्वं यद् स्तनयोः स छेदकः न खलु लाभः ।
सखि यदि कथमपि त्रुटि-वशेन (= कालविलम्बनेन) अधरे प्रभवति नाथः।।
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