"We are few (Ap. 84124 < Pr. 137 < Sk. Fia), (while ) the enemies are (far) numerous' : only cowards will speak thus. O fair one, (please ) look at the sky (and tell me) how many of the heavenly bodies) shed the moon-light."
Here it is Nom. pl. (2) 3FESTÁ (= HHİ, Fi) care rar: qar: 412491:
अवश्यं न स्वपन्ति सुखासिकायां यथा वयं तथा तेऽपि ॥ Having induced love (in us) the sojourning strangers ( ter: ) who have left (us), will certainly not rest in peace (lit. will not sleep happily'), as we are (pining ), 80 will they be (languishing)”. . Here is Acc. pl.
____Note - अंबणु is interpreted as ममत्व (i. e. स्नेह) by the Dhodhakavrttikīra. This shade of meaning is amply supported by old Gujarati literature of the later period. Cf. rigg (=a lover ), 'Vasanta Vilāsa' (c. 1400 V. S.)
the day I F T I = 36# ia l (He sees us.) The different nunıber of ūdea is to indicate that the, ādeśas are not to be construed as respective (i. e. each case can have both the adeśas ).
377. 21-f6–318–94ÀG 37e-udara: ' ' 37 .
In Apabhramśa the pronoun 3 has the ādesa As in Instr. sing., Loc. sing., and Acc. sing.
Illustration of Instr. sing. : (1) #91 ' f.4-facfearai prsfo RT (= 30saa)
szafa faria ( = 44e) i परंतु मृगाङ्कः अपि तथा तपति यथा दिनकरः क्षयकाले ( = कल्पान्तकाले)॥ “I thought, for the separated lovers there will be some solace (lit. “support'; ) in the eventide ! However,
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