Viula vāhana
palanquin is associated with his renunciation ceremony. He took to asceticism along with six hundred men, broke his fast at the house of Suņamda(2) of Mabăpuraand obtained omniscience in the Vihārageha park of Campā. Påtala is his sacred tree. He had an excellent community of 72,000 monks with Suhamma(2) at their head and 1,03,000 nuns with Dharani(1) at their head.10 According to Samavāya he had under him 62 groups of monks each being in charge of a Ganahara (group-leader )" whereas according to Āvassaya-pijjutti 66 groups and the same number of group-leaders under him.12 He attained liberation at his birth-place at the age of 72,00,000 vears, 18 lakh years as a prince along with 600 ascetios, 13 In his previous birth he was Imdadatta(5), S, Sam. 157.
11. Sam. 62, Tir 449. 6. AvaN, 221-230, Sth. 320, Sam. 109, 12. AvaN. 267. Avam. pp. 204-1, Tir. 392.
13. AvaN, 272-305, 307, 309, 326, 1. AvaN. 324, 328, Sam, 157,
AvaM. pp. 208-214, Kalp. 193, 8. AvaN. 230, 246, 234, Vis, 1662.
Vis. 1702. 9. Sam. 157, Tir. 406.
14. Sam, 157. 10. AvaN, 257, 261, AvaM. pp. 208 ff.
Sam, 157, Tir. 449, 459. Viadávai (Vikatāpātin) A Vatta-veyaddha mountain situated to the west of river Hari(6) and to the east of river Harikamtā(1) and in the middle of Harivāsa(i). God Aruņa(2) resides there, Elsewhere Viadāvai is mentioned as a montain of Herannavaya(1) region. Its presiding deity is Pabhāsa(1). 1. Jam. 82, Jiv. 141, BhaA, p. 436, 2. Sth. 87, 302, JiVM. p. 244.
Jams. p. 305. Viälaa (Vikālaka ) Same as Viyalaa.
1. Jam. 170
Vlávatta (Vyāvarta ) See Viyāvatta.
1. Sam. 16. 1. Viu (Vid) Fourth chapter of the third section of Amtagaçadasä.
1. Ant. 4.
2. Viu Son of king Vasudeva and his queen Devai of Bāravai. He was brought up by merchant Naga(5) and his wife Sulasā(1) belonging to Baddilapura. Rest is similar to Aniyasa(2).
1. Ant. 4. Viala (Vipula) See Vipula.
1. Ina. 30. 1. Viulavāhaņa (Vipular āhana ) Eleventh would-be Cakkavatti in the Bharaha(2) region.
1. Sam. 139, Tir, 1125,
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