scimitar (khadga ),4 He is invincible in power. He is blue by complexion. He bears 108 auspicious or lucky marks and signs. A Cakkavatti is superior to him in all respects. Vāsudevas are never born in low or Brahmin families. While conceiving their embryos their mothers see any seven of the fourteen great dream 3.10 In Jambuddiva there appear four at the minimum and thirty Vasudevas at the maximum. In the Bharaha(2) as well as in the Eravaya(2) region nine Vāsudevas appear in every cycle and that also in Dussamasusamā.12 Every Vasudeva has an enemy who is called Padisattu and is also killed by him.13 Vāsudevas in their previous birth make nidāna (resolve to get something). They in this birth do not attain liberation and go to hell.14 Vasudevas wear yellow clothes. 15 The names of Vāsudevas of Baraha(2) of the current Osappiņi are : Tivittha(1) 2. Duvittha(2), 3. Sayambhū(1), 4. Purisuttama, 5. Purisasiha, 6. Purisapu daria, 7. Datta(2), 8. Nārāyana(1) and Kanha(1).16 The would-be Vāsudevas of Bharaha(2) are : Namda(7) or Namdi(6), Namdamitta(1) or Namdimitta, Dihabahu(2), Aibala(1), Mahabbala(4), Balabhadda(7) or Bhadda(11), Duvittha(1) and Tivittha(1).17 4, Pras. 15, Prasa. p. 77.
215. See also for details AvaN. 5. Utt. 11.21, AvaN. 71-72, Vis. 797.
420-422, Vis. 1777-78, Tir. 602-608 6. AvaN. 402.
13. Sam. 158, Tir. 609. 7. Pras. 15, NisCu. III. p. 383, Tan. 14. 14. Sam. 158, Ant. 9. Tir. 607 ft. 8. AvaN. 75, Vis. 801.
15. Pras. 15, Prasa. p. 77, JivM. p. 191, 9. Kalp. 17-18. Vis. 1846.
PrajM. p. 363, Vis. 1764. 10. Bha. 428, 578.
16. AvaBh. 40 (Dipikā) p. 78, Sam. 11. Jam. 173, Sth. 89.
158, Tir. 566. 12. Jam. 36, 40, Sam. 158, AvaCu. I. p. 17. Sam. 159, Tir. 1143-44.
2. Väsudeva another name of Kapha(1).1 1. Sam. 159, Utt. 22.8, 25, 31, Avaču. I. p. 235, AcaCu. pp. 96, 116, 121, 155, 210-1.
296, 334, 362.
Vasudevaghara (Vasudevagrha ) Shrines of Vasudeva(2) situated at the village of Ņamgala' and the Kusdāga? settlement where Mahāvīra sajourn
1. AvaCu. I. p. 289, AvaM. p. 280.
12. AvaCu. I. P. 293, AvaM. p. 283.
Vasupujja (Vasupujya) Twelfth Titthamkara of the current discending cycle in the Bharaha(2) region and conteporary of Sejjamsa(5) in Eravaya (1). He was son of king Vasupujja and his queen Jayā(1) of Campå.? His height was seventy dhanusas. He was of red complexion, Aggi(3) 1. Sam. 157, Ava. p. 4, Nan. v. 18,1 2. AvaN. 383, 385, 388, Tir. 475, Sam. Vis. 1657, 1758; Ava N. 370, 1092,
157. Tir. 325.
3. Sam. 70, AvaN. 379, Tir. 362. 4. AvaN. 376, Tir. 342.
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