hters-in-law being the wives of her real son who was killed in a ship-wreck. She asked Katapuņna to accept them as his wives. He agreed with her and spent a period of twelve years there. Later on king Seņiya(1) also gave his daughter in marriage to him. At last he renounced the world and became a disciple of Titthayara Mahavira. In his previous birth Katapunna was a son of a poor herdsman and had given alms to an ascetic with intense devotion.
1. AvaCu. I. pp. 467-9, AvaH. pp. 347, 353, 355.
Katamälaa (Kștamālaka) See Kayamālaa.
1. AvaCu. II. p. 176. 1. Kattavīriya (Kārtavirya) Son of king Aņamtavīriya of Hatthiņāpura. Táră(2) was his wife. Subhūma(1) was his son. He killed Jamadaggi, the father of Rāma(3) (Parasurāma). Rāma killed Kattaviriya to take revenge of his father's assassination.
1. Avaču. I. p. 520, AcaCu, p. 49, SutSi. p. 170, Sam. 158, Sutu. pp. 340, 394. 2. Kattavīriya One of the eight great men attaining liberation after Cakkavatti Bharaha(1). He is the son of Balaviriya.
1. Sth. 616. Vis. 1750, AvaN. 363, Avaču. I. p. 214.
1. Kattia (Kārtika) Name of a month."
1. Kalp. 124, Sam. 40, Utt. 26. 15-6. 2. Kattia A merchant of the city of Hatthiņāgapura. He was once summoned by king Jiyasattu(16) and asked to serve food to a Tāvasa(4). But as he had no faith in and respect for him, it caused him great distress. Consequently he renounced the world 1 and became a disciple of Titthayara Muņisuvvaya(1) accompanied by a group of one thousand and eight merchants. After practising asceticism for a period of twelve years he died and took birth as Sakka(3) in the Sohamma(1) celestial region.
1, AvaCu. II. pp. 276-7, SthA. p. 510. SutCu. p. 362, KalpCu. p. 102. 2. Bha. 617, Kalpy. p. 24,
3. Kattia A chapter of Aộuttarovavāiyadasā. It is not extant now.
1. Sth. 755. 4. Kattia Previous birth of Devassuya, the sixth would-be Titthamkara in the Bharaha(2) region.
1. Sam. 159.
5. Kattia A preceptor. He was slain by an angry Ksatriya in the town of Rohidaga.
1. Sams. 67.
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