Jivas alike, With reference to the possession of material vitalities. Jivas differ and are divided into the following six classes.
1. Ekendriya, one-sensed, such as earth-bodied, fire-bodied, airbodied, vegetable-bodied. They have 4 vitalities, age, breathing, body force, and sense of touch.
2. Dvendriya, two-sensed, such as worms, conch, shell. These have 6 vitalities, the previous four, and speech-force and sense of taste,
3. Treendriya, three-sensed, e. g., bug, ant, scorpion, lice. They have 7 vitalities; sense of smell is added to the above six.
4 Caturendriya, four-sensed, e. g., wasp, moth, fly, bee They possess the sense of sight also besides the above 7, and have thus eight vitalities.
5. . Panchendriya Asaini. Irrational, five-sensed, such as a kind of serpent found in water. They have nine vitalities, the sense of hearing being added to the preceding eight. They are rarely found.
6. Panchendriya, Saini. Rational five-sensed. They include hellish, celestial and human beings, beasts, birds, fowl. fishes, serpents, etc., They have ten vitalities, mind-force being added to tae above nine.
Influenced by passion, one injures his own conscious vitalities as well as the material ones; he may further injure the vitalities of others. Passion thus necessarily leads to Himsa. अप्रादुर्भावः खलु रागादीनां भवत्यहिंसेति । तेषामेवोत्पत्तिर्हिसति जिनागमस्य संक्षेपः॥४४॥
44. Assuredly, the non-appearance of attachment and other (passions) is Ahimsa, and their appearance is Himsa. This is a summary of the Jaina Scripture. युक्ताचरणस्य सतो रागाद्यावेशमन्तरेणाऽपि। न हि भवति जातु हिंसा प्राणव्यपरोपणादेव ॥४५॥
45. There never is Himsa when vitalities are injured, if a person is not moved by any kind of passions and is carefully following Right Conduct.
Commentary. A saint duly observing the rules of conduct walks along, carefully looking ahead, and intent on avoiding injury to the crawling
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