A child is instructed in the truths of religion and morals by allegories and paraoles; but as his intellect grows, he begins to discuss those truths from a more serious and abstract point of view. But if one cannot go beyond parables or allegories, one will always remain a child in intellect.
The learned preceptors commence by inculcating truths from the relative or Vyavahára point of view, and describe things as they ordinarily and seemingly appear. Gradually, however, they lead the pupil to the real aspect. If, however, no effort is made to grasp the real aspect, and attention is confined only to the relative side, there would be no real progress, and the disciple would ever remain envolved in mazes temporal, and unable to evolve the spiritual side; and thus all discourses will be lost upon him. It is therefore essentially necessary that one should know both the real and practical aspects of things.
माणवक एव सिंहो यथा भवत्यनवगीतसिंहस्य | व्यवहार एव हि तथा निश्चयतां यात्यनिश्चयज्ञस्य ॥ ७ ॥
7. Just as a cat represents a lion to one who has not known a lion, similarly Vyavahára alone is Nishchaya unto him who does not know what Nishchaya is.
syazıniaganì a: agen akda xafa æ¤TFY: 1 प्राप्नोति देशनायाः स एव फज़मविकलं शिष्यः ॥ ८ ॥
8. That student alone achieves the full benefit of teaching, who, having well understood both Vyavahára and Nishchaya, in their true nature, becomes neutral.
The student is here advised to approach his studies with open mind, and not to obstinately stick to pre-formed ideas. All prejudice and pre-inclination should be avoided.
If one adopts the Nishchaya view only, one would altogether neglect the rules of conduct which serve as stepping-stones to spiritual
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