only by, and in the Jaina religion. Jainism is synonymous with Ahimså. It is Ahimsa Dharma, the religion of Ahimsa. "Ahimsà Parmo Dharmah '-Ahimsa is the Highest Religion-- is emblazoned on the banner of Jainism. Its philosophy and conduct are broad-based on the solid foundation of Ahimsa, which has throughout, and consistently, been followed to its logical conclusion.
It is the first and foremost of the five vows, which a Right-believer, on the path of Right Conduct, follows. The other four are abstention from falsehood, from unpermitted possession or user of another's property, from sexual intercourse, and from possession of temporalities.
The five vows are followed in the completest form, and to their fullest extent, by saints, viz., persons who have cut off all connection with temporal objects, have adopted asceticism, and are ever engaged in austerities, study, discourse, contemplation, meditation, and self-realisation.
They are followed in a lesser degree, and to an extent varying with his spiritual advancement by every Rightbeliever, who has entered upon the path of Liberation.
Jainism is a practical religion and ensures worldly peace, prosperity and progress. A good Jain may happen to be engaged in a worldly pursuit of any kind. He may be a king a statesman, a military commander, a soldier, a trader, an artisan or an agriculturist, and yet he is in a position to adopt the vow of Ahimsa and other vows, to the extent of his limitations and capacities, situation and circumstances in life, and be a good and true Jain.
The profession and practice of Ahimsa is not, as has been wrongly assumed or asserted by misinformed, ill-informed, or un-informed authors, writers, and speakers, incompatible or inconsistent with social progress, municipal administration, political development, human comforts, health, hygiene, commerce and agriculture.
It has already been said that for a Jain house-holder, the practice of Ahimsa, is a question of degree, and would vary with his capacity, and limitations, physical and spiritual.
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