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the artificial halter, used to look up to his tormentors with such pitiful gaze, with tears trickling down from the corners of its eyes, touched me then. "(1)
Although human sacrifices before grim goddesses, by the Thugs, and the self-immolation of deluded devotees at the sharp revolving wheel at Kashi, and beneath the chariot of Jagannath at Puri, and of widows on the funeral pyre of their husbands, and the offering of human babies and tongues before goddesses are events of old history, we do occasionally hear of human sacrifices made in moments of religious frenzy. And animal sacrifices are daily offered in millions. Many a Hindu and many a Muslim sanctify all meat, obtained by killing, by reciting sacred words.
Ahimsa League in London.
It is a happy sign of the times that a world League of Ahimsa has been established at London by the Revd. E. F. Udny, M. A., as President, Mrs. M. F. St. John James, as Vice-President and Honorary Secretary, and Dr. W. Leslie Pearse, L. D. S., R. C. S., D. D. S., as Chairman, and Mr. Percy Hill as Honorary Treasurer at Ahimsa House, 137 Elgin Crescent, London W. 11. Their Motto is Kill not for food, ornament or sport." The founders expect from a reformed diet the growth of a human and glorious civilization, where "they shall not hurt nor destroy. ......for the earth shall be full of knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.(2) The President says that "never can man progress spiritually until he is willing to abandon cruelty. We cannot connect the word righteousness with the murder of the weak, and help. less. For lack of teaching of "Not-Hurting", the Christian religion has been and is sadly impoverished. There is reason
to think that Christ himself expressly insisted on abstinence from flesh. Those who accept the idea of re-incarnation would not find it difficult to believe that existence did not begin with the first birth in human form, but that life throughout all kingdoms was for ever one and divine in essence. A later
(1) "Memories of my Life and Times" by Bipin Chandra Pal, 1932, Page 125. (2) Isaiah xi-9.
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