Commentary. All theft includes Himsa. One would not take any property belonging to another unless he was actuated by a desire to possess it. The presence of desire, and the injury to self in the form of a moral and a spiritual fall, and to the person deprived, resulting therefrom, constitute Himsa. नाऽतिव्याप्तिश्च तयोःप्रमत्तयोगैककारणविरोधात् । अपि कर्मानुग्रहणनीरागाणामविद्यमानत्वात् ॥ १०५॥
105. Nor is there the defect of overlapping. There is no (Himsa), when passionless saints take in Karmic molecules because of the absence of Pramatta Yoga, the chief motive.
Commentary. The learned author here anticipates and meets a possible objection that karmic molecules are taken in by a passionless saint in the high 11th, 12th and 13th spiritual stages, and thus taking what is given by nobody, he would be tainted with theft. This is not so, because there is no Pramatta Yoga, no desire. Mohaneeya karma which is the cause of all desire has ceased to operate in those stages. असमर्थो ये कर्तुं निपानतोयादिहरणविनिवृत्तिम् ।। तैरपि समस्तमपरं नित्यमदत्तं परित्याज्यत् ॥१०६॥
106. Those also who do not feel strong enough to refrain from taking well-water, etc., should totally abstain from taking anything else which is not given to them.
Commentary. A householder is not able to follow this high discipline ; but he also should abstain from taking things, which are not given to him except such as may be appropriated without permission. यद्वेदरागयोगान्मैथुनमभिधीयते तदब्रह्म ।
अवतरति तत्र हिंसा वधस्य सर्वत्र सद्भावात् ॥ १०७॥ हिंस्यन्ते तिलनाल्यां तप्तायसि विनिहिते तिला यवत् । बहवो जीवा योनी हिंस्यन्ते मैथुने तद्वत् ॥ १०८॥
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