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The last two examples in the Karavātha Sūtra, which incorporate the theoretical differences of the existing traditions, are significant due to the validation of the debated original text. Merely analyzing these Sūtras will not resolve this issue. The key to resolving it is hidden within the commentaries, making it extremely necessary to clarify it. There may be other examples of this type as well. Nonetheless, these examples of differences, along with Sūtra 5: (29) in the Svetambara text, affirm that the Svetambara text is the original, and the Digambara text is derived from it. Additionally, the conventional style of the author of the Sūtras in writing previous instructional Sūtras through the word "cham" and the practice of always beginning a new Sūtra with the pronoun "sa" also supports the presented narrative. Thus, the question regarding the research of the third chapter of the Tattvārtha Sūtra — whether this material is taken from the Digambara version of Bhāgya and Jabūdīpa compound, or vice versa — is resolved in itself.
– Sujuke Āhir