Arcata falls between Dharmakirti on the one hand and-Dharmos ttara, Kamalasila and prajñākaragupta on the other. That is, it must at least be admitted that he flourished during the last part of the 7th and the first part of the 8th century A. D. 3. Durveka Mišra...
Tlic third Text in the present edition is the sub-commentary Aloka of the Helubindu-ţikā of Arcața. Durveka Mišra is its author. We do not get much material to build up his life. Whatever material we have gathered is based upon the colophon of his own. The following facts of his life follow from the colophon ;
(1) Durveka Misra'was a student of Jitāri, the Head of the Vikramašila University who afterwards sojourned in Tibet.
(2) He was a poor Brāhmaṇa. And, perhaps, he was a professor at the Vikramasilã University and thoroughly studied, the Buddhist philosophy, for without such study it would have not been possible for him to make such penetrating exposition of the deep thoughts of Arcața.
(3) In his sub-commentary, he refers to five works composed by himself, which proves that he composed-at least five works in addition to the present sub-commentary. Of these five works, the Dharmottara. pradipa, a sub-commentary of the Nyāyabindu, exists in photo reprints in the Bihar and Orissa Research Society, "Patna.
The titles of the five works are as follows:
1. Dkarmottarapradipa 2. Svayuthyavicāra : 3. Visęşākhyāna.. 4 Kşanabhangasiddhi5
5 Catuḥsatze
It appears that Duryekamišra" devoted himself, heart and soul, for the enrichment of the Buddhist philosophical literature while working at the Vigrąmasilā University under Įitari. From the designation misra' as also the intellectual property of Mithilā during the period as well as its vicinity to Vikramāsila, it appears that he was a Maithila Brāhmaṇa. If so, the fact reveals a momentous truth. It is this that in spite of the perpetuat antagonism of Brāhmana-sramaņa in matters, religious and social, there is absolute quiescence of all hostility in the fields of scientific learning and philosophical thought-a fact which is responsible for the building up of a new cultural synthesis.
1 Vide Text p. 411 2 Vide Text, pp. 259, 308, 337 3 p. 337 4 pp. 340, 365, 370, 373 5 pp. 370, 372 6 pp. 370, 372
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