is this town of Tālarāsaka, which is referred to in the work, situated ? What is its present condition ? Where is the town of Karmāra situated ? What was its original name? Who was the King Devapāla who is said to be reigning there and who was this Vijayavarman who is said to have attacked Devapāla ? What are the dates of these two persons as compared to the date of Siddhasena ?
5. Were the leaders of the Sangha responsible in ordaining Prayascitta to Divākara or did Divākara's preceptor penalise him ? If the leaders, what are their names ?
6. Can Kudargeswara and Mabākāla be identified or are they different temples ? What is the history of these temples ?
. 7. (a) What are the works of Divā kara and how many ?
(b) Is Sanmati-tarka a work of Siddhasena Divakara, the disciple of Vțdd havādi or is he some other Siddhasena ? Has any commentator, besides Abhayadeva, referred to Sanmati as being the work of Divākara ?
(c) Are Gaudhahasti and Divākara one and the same person or are they different persons ? Is there any old reference to Gandhahasti in addition to the one found in the commentary of Acārānga ?
(d) Was Kumudcandra another name of Divākara and if so, what is the evidence for it ?
8. Who were the ruling kings of Pratisthāna, Ujjaina, and Broach at the time of Divā kara and VỊddhavādi?
9. "Near about Broach, a town was situated by the cowherd boys which was named Tālarāsaka. The idol of
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