He was succeeded by his younger brother Dhruvasena II. We have about seven grants of this king. The earliest is dated 310 (= 629 A. D.), the latest 321 (=640 A. D. ). We learn from these grants that his other name was Baladitya. They also attribute to him proficiency in arts generally and mastery in the Graminer of Panini, who is mentioned by the name of Salāturīya, and in the science of Polity. He is compared to Manu the first king, because like him he was elected king by his subjects for his merits. His steadfast friendship did not deter him from giving up those friends who were found to have faults of character.
This reminds us of Raghuvamṣa canto I verse 28, where Kālidāsa says of Dilīpa that he cut off connection with even a dear person if he were wicked, like a snake-bitten finger.
The grant of the year 310 (= 629 A. D.) is given to the vihara which was built by Guhaka and was a part of the great vīhāra built by the princess Dudda in Valabhi. So also the grant of the year 319 (=638 A. D.) was given for providing for the Bhikkhuṇīs residing in the vihara built by one Punnabhața near the Yakshasura vihara. In the year 320 (= 639 A. D.) he renewed the grant given to the temple of Koṭṭammahikadevi by Mahārāja Droṇasimha which appears to have become null interim. This might either refer to the grant of Droṇasimha given in the year 183 (= 302 A. D.) where, however, the name of the goddess is Pānḍurājā or it might refer to some other gift
unknown to us.
The grants of the years 320 and 321 (= 639-40
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