tațāka - samskāra - grantha - rachanā - composition on the repairing of the lake Sudarsana.'
The second part of the inscription mentions the building of a temple of Vishņu near the lake by Chakrapālita in the Gupta samvat 138." The temple as if rising from the mountain Urjayat appears as if lording over the head of the city." * The temple is so high that it seems “to obstruct the passage of birds in the sky." *
Skandagupta died about the year 430 A. D. After him the Gupta power appears to have declined from Western India. In Ujjayini Toramāņa rules, while Gujarāt becomes independent under the rulers of Valabhi.
Under the Mauryas and the Guptas the imperial city was Pātaliputra, and under the Kshatrapas it was Ujjayinī. Leaving out of consideration Anandapura and Dwārakā – capitals of Gujarāt in Puranic times, we may say that historically, the first capital of Gujarāt was Girinagara and it remained so far more than seven centuries from the time of Chandragupta Maurya (-321 - 297 B. C.) to the time of Skandagupta ( 480 A. D.).
10 For the history of Valabhi and its rulers our main sources of information are the copper - plate grants issued by the rulers of Valabhi, a few coins, the contemporary accounts of the city and the province given by Yuavan Chang, and references in literary
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कुवेत् प्रभुत्वमिव भाति पुरस्य मूनि ॥ * See note 1 on the remains of the dam in the B. G. p. 70. # Puratattava Vol. II p. 58.
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