Critical Account of Manuscripts
Leaf 124A : Some letters are rubbed out.
Leaves 134B and 135A : ink has faded, consequently, many letters cannot be deciphered.
Leaf 172 : An oblong hole on the right-hand end of about 2" length, not interferring with the writing; it must have been there before the leaf was written upon.
The leaves of the manuscript are on the whole in a good condition, though their right and left sides are slowly breaking; consequently, the Tippaña on those sides has suffered.
The manuscript begins : 11.çol Bag Tote 77AKHIR ete., and ends : 11 entrare sitaniafatiaagihiT87. AfTHNETT 984179 Geiga E. (252b) pitetezatsegin: LA: ll all ब॥ श्लोकसंख्याग्रंथ २८०० ॥ छ ॥ सं. १३९० वर्षे चैत्र सुदि २ भौमे ॥ siteriaatio fosfænafea il coll Jänat ug 03 11
2. I. This is a paper manuscript from the Bhandarkara Oriental Research Institute, Poona; it is therfore named I. It is more than five hundred years old being written in V. S. 1476 i. e. 1420 A. D.
Leaves : 117 Length about 11"; Width : about 41". Lines per page : about 11. Letters per line : about 36.
Writing bold and clear. The margins of the last twenty leaves are soiled; consequently, the numbering of the leaves cannot be read distinctly. I begins ॥ अहं ॥ प्रणम्य परमात्मानं etc. Ends : B7Chèseqra: a:
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