Bhatti and his Bhattikavya; Mallavadin-the author of the Nayachakra lxxvi-lxxvii. Valabhi as a centre of trade and commerce lxxviilxxviii. Review of the state of different religions lxxviii-lxxix. Administration in Valabhi lxxix-lxxxii. Fall of Valabhi lxxxii-lxxxiii. 11 The Kingdom of Bhinnamala or Ṣrīmāla lxxxiii-cii. Importance of Bhinnamala lxxxiii; Description from Yuan Chang's Travels lxxxiii— lxxxiv. The Javanese Tradition Ixxxiv. Gurjaras Ixxxiv-lxxxviii. Description of the ruins of Bhinnamala given by Mr. Jackson lxxxviii-ixc. The Account of the Srimala Purana ixc-xciii. Descriptions of the city from Yuan Chang's Travels and the Prabhavakacharita xciii-xciv. Description of the broken statue xciv-xcv. Dates preserved by the local tradition xcv. Varmalata, Magha, Vidyaṣālā, Brahmagupta, Siddharshi, Haribhadrasūri, Uddyotanasuri, The Kuvalayamālākatha xcv-xcix. A Short Account of the Political History of Bhinnamala xcix-cii. The Kingdom of Anahillapura CIII-CCLXII. 12 Chavada Rulers. Sources: History of the Chavaḍa clan. Discussion on the connection of Chavaḍas with the Chapas of Bhinnamalā ciii-cx. Vanarāja cx-cxiv. Ninnaya and Lahara of the Pragvaṭa family cxiii. Monuments built by Vanaraja cxiii-cxiv, Yogaraja and other rulers cxiv-cxvi. Monuments built. by them cxv. Cultural point of view cxvi. Discussion on a verse quoted in the Praban dhachintamani referring to Jaina-mantra cxvi.
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