May there be good fortune from Holy Vira's eyes whose pupils are wide with compassion even for sinful people, moist with a trace of tears. 15
In the congregations of the Tirthankaras, there were twelve Cakravartins, nine each of Ardhacakrins, Rāmas, and Pratyardhacakrins. 16 These sixty-three famous men, who have attained the Sri of emancipation or will attain her, were born in the Bharata-zone in the avasarpini period of time. We shall relate the lives of these famous persons. For the celebration of the noble is the best source of emancipation. From these, now the life of the Blessed Lord Rṣabha is described, beginning with the birth in which he acquired the seed of enlightenment.
The first incarnation of Ṛşabha as the merchant Dhana (31-225)
Now then-there is a continent named Jambudvipa, enclosed by innumerable circles of oceans and continents, and surrounded by a diamond wall. It is adorned with rivers, zones, and mountains, and at its center, like a navel, stands Meru made of gold and jewels. It (Meru) is a lac of yojanas high, adorned with three terraces; and its peak, forty yojanas high, is adorned with shrines of the Arhats. To the west of it, in the Videhas there is a large city, Kṣitipratisthita by name, an ornament to the whole earth. In it Prasannacandra was king,
15 26. This has especial reference to Vira's compassion for the god, Sangamaka, who had tried in vain for six months to distract Vīra from his meditation. Yog. I. 3, pp. 6a ff. of Sangamaka's persecutions is given in Tri. source is probably Avacurņi. p. 314b.
A detailed account 10. 4. 171-303. The
16 27. These with the twenty-four Tirthankaras constitute the Sixty-three Famous men. The Ardhacakrins and their enemies, the Pratyardhacakrins, are more commonly called the Vasudevas and Prativasudevas. Kṛṣṇa was the ninth Vasudeva. The Rāmas are the Balaramas, or Balabhadras, of whom Balarama, Kṛṣṇa's brother, was the ninth.
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