May the Blessed Aranātha, the sun in the sky of the fourth division of time 1° grant us pleasure with the Śri of the fourth object of existence (mokşa).
We praise Malli, a new cloud for the peacocks 18 in the form of lords of gods, asuras and men, Hastimalla (Indra's elephant) for the rooting up of the tree of karma.
We praise Munisuvrata's preaching, which resembles the dawn for the sleep of the world's great delusion.
May the rays of light from Nemi's toe-nails which, falling on the heads of his worshippers, purify them like streams of water, protect you.
May the Blessed Aristanemi, the moon to the ocean of the Yadu-family, a fire to the straw of karma, destroy your misfortunes.
May the Lord Pārsvanātha, whose attitude of mind was the same toward Kamatha and Dharaṇendra 14 while each was performing actions characteristic of himself, be for your emancipation. no fear of oppression from own nor another king: these are il atiśayas arising from destruction of karma.
A dharmacakra in the sky; chauris; a shining lion-throne with a footstool; three umbrellas; a jeweled banner; golden lotuses for walking on; three splendid walls (samavasaraņa); fourfold face and body; thorns with points turned down; bending of trees ; loud music from a drum; a favorable wind; birds fying to the right; rain of perfumed water ; rain of many-coloured flowers; the hair, beard and nails cease to grow; a koţi of the four classes of gods in order of rank standing near; the favorableness of the seasons always having objects (such as flowers) that appeal to the senses : these are the 19 divine atisayas. These are given also in Sam. 34, p. 61 f., with differences.
12 20. All the Tirthankaras, except Rşabha, were born in the fourth period of avasarpiņi, duhşamasuşamā, in which evil predominates.
18 21. The love of peacocks for clouds is proverbial.
14 25. Kamatha was Pārsvanātha's enemy and Dharañendra his friend, as the result of an incident in a former birth. See Bloomfield : Life and Stories of the Jaina Savior Pārçvanātha, pp. 9 ff.
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