28. पंचाचार के अतिचार - PANCHACHARAKE ATICHARA
The eight fold practices of right knowledge are as follows: ......2 Jnänächära
To study scripture at the proper time Vinayachära To respect the scholar and scripture Bahumänächära
To respect the wise, the preceptors and
the scriptures Upadhänächara To study the scriptures Aninhavanächära
To not speak ill of the preceptor or scripture
To pronounce the verses of the scripture Vyanjanächära
correctly Arthächära
To interpret the verses accurately Ubhayachär To reflect on both verses and meaning The eight fold practices of right faith are as follows..................3 Nishankit Not to have any doubt in the words of Jina
Not to have a faith in a religion based on fear Nikänkshit
and greed
Not to dislike monks and nuns for their unclean and untidy appearance Not to get impressed by miracles, spells and charms of an unfaithful
To genuinely praise and support a person with right faith
To bring stability in religious practices to the people whose faith is shaken
To look after the welfare of fellow human beings
To glorify the religion which promotes Ahimsa, Prabhävnä
Anekantvad, and non-possessiveness The eight fold practices of right conduct are as follows: ...........4 To diligently practice the fivefold carefulness (samitis) and the three fold restraints (guptis) of mind, speech and body, are eight fold practices of right conduct.