पंच दीवो प्रगट करी जिनवर अंग सोहाय
जिन आरती उतारतां भव संकट मीट जाय
Pancha divo pragata kari jinavara anga sohäy Jina ärati utäratä bhava sankata mit jäy दिपकसे जिन पूजतां आतम निर्मळ होय
ज्ञान दिपक प्रगटाववा दिपक तणो रे उद्योत Dipakase jina pujatä ätam nirmal hoy Jaga dipak pragatävavä dipak tano re udyota Meaning of Deepak Puja
The flame of a lamp (Deepak) represents a Pure Consciousness, or a Soul without any bondage, a Liberated Soul. When we light the lamp in the right manner, our miseries get destroyed. As a result, we get the knowledge in the form of Keval-jnän, which illuminates the whole universe. Deepak symbolizes the light of knowledge. Deepak pujä is offered to destroy the darkness of ignorance and false beliefs. The ultimate goal of every living being is to be liberated from karma. To be liberated from Karma, one needs to be free from all vices such as anger, greed, ego, deceit, attachment, hatred and lust. By doing this Pujä one should strive to follow the five great vows: Non-violence, Truthfulness, Non-stealing, Chastity and Non-possession. Ultimately proper conduct coupled with right faith and knowledge will lead to liberation.
Chamar, and Darpan Ritual
After the completion of Deepak Puja, the Duhas of Chamar, and Darpan rituals are recited. Chamar and Darpan rituals are not offerings like other pujas. We do these rituals because we consider Tirthankars are the spiritual kings. Please recite the following Duhas during the ritual.